How the Church Have Been Convinced to Read the Bible

The strength of one's interpretation is to how they view God's Word. For example whenever a particular Christian teacher view that of sin as to teach that the conditions of people are based upon their particular environment that they find themselves, that of low self-esteem, and the condition of one's way of thinking is the reason why people are the way they are as opposed to man being separated from God as a result of the Fall of Man (Gen. 3:1-7 with Rom. 5:12). Even though there are areas of occupation that are somewhat worst than others due to such social and economical factors but the overall of things is that man is separated from God as a direct result of their sin and immorality (Rom. 6:23). In order that man can be reconcile to God is through the Person of Jesus Christ so as to His redemptive work on the cross.  Man is a sinner by nature by which they are prone to sinning. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom. 6:23).  There is the false teaching that in order for a person's circumstances to change is that they must change their way of thinking. As a man thinks as the Proverbs says so is he. Regardless of what a person's thinks does not change the sinfulness of man's heart (Jer. 17:9). The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know them. So to have a weak view of sin adversely affect other areas of doctrine and theology. The old adage, "Tell me what a man believe and I will tell you what he will do." A tree is known by the fruit it bears. Apple does not produce oranges nor oranges apples (Matt. 7:15ff).  What a person believes go hand in hand with the way they live. It is impossible to separate one's philosophical views as to the way that a person's lives.
  Throughout this article I will begin to lay the groundwork of, "How the Church Been Convinced to Read the Bible." The most sinister of false spiritual leaders in the church today is to lead the church astray from believing in the authority of scripture for such superficiality and theological mysticism (Col. 2:18, 19). There are main points that I want to cover in this article as sub themes under the main topic of our discussion and that is (1) The "Christian" mystics methods of interpretation (2 Tim. 2:17, 18). And (2) The mindset of "Christian" mystics influencing the church today. Therefore (3) The consequence of ideas perpetuated by theological mysticism. Also (4) the preventive measure against the intrusion of "Christian" mystics or mysticism in the church today. It is very important to know what is at stake and how to avoid such a crisis within Christianity.
   First, and foremost before I begin to elaborate concerning my first point it is necessary to give a clear definition of a "Christian" mystic. A "Christian" mystic is a professing believer who claim to possess such superior "knowledge" that ordinary Christians does not possess. In so many words "Christian" mystics charge the institutional church of possessing the letter of the law; not the spirit and the Word. The letter kills says the "Christian" mystics but goes on to say it is the spirit that gives supernaturally "direct" revelation from God. Such "Christian" mystics claim such false humility as a result of receiving such "direct" revelation from God but are arrogant and prideful as to their elevated knowledge as special and unique something that has not been revealed to the Church in its 2000 year history. Such "Christian" mystics in the professing church today claim to see in the spirit something of such divine personage ("appearance" of Jesus) but in actuality have not seen nothing. They take pride in the superiority of the alleged "knowledge" or "gnosis" so as to be superior to the ordinary of Christian believers who possess such Self-Rule Knowledge (Col. 2:18, 19). Paul the apostle warns against mysticism in the church today. The "knowledge" that many "Christian" mystics possess is what is earthly; not what is spiritual. The Church possess such "true" spiritual knowledge; Gnostics in the professing church today possess such "earthly" knowledge (Col. 1:9, 10 contrast Col. 2:18, 19).
   The "Christian" mystics methods of interpretation is that of its allegorical interpretation of the Bible that runs contrary to the plain meaning of the context of scripture. In so many words the teachings of Jesus Christ, Adam in the garden, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Satan intercourse with the woman Eve, and the cross of Christ symbolize the "serpent" hanging on the cross, the missing Books of the Bible as to be lost is many of the doctrines taught by Gnostics within the professing church today. The "grind" by which "Christian" mystics interpret that of the Bible is reading "beyond" the mere words of scripture to get some spiritual "revelation." They seek to "unfold" that of the mysteries of God as if they know the mind and heart of God. In Deuteronomy 29:29 it says, "The secret things belongs to the LORD thy God but those things which are revealed belongs to us and to our children children's." The "secret" things belongs to God; not Gnostics who claim they can "unfold" God's divine mysteries. It is not in the interest of Gnostics to accept the written revelation of God's Word but are headstrong in persisting to seek something that is outside the boundaries of scripture. God's Word is complete without any additional revelation or revelation of the spirit (2 Pet. 1:19-21 with 2 Tim. 3:16).
   The "mindset" of "Christian" mystics in the professing church today is to elevate their spirit above the earthly plane. They claim to be not of this world but through their own "personal" experiences they experience something that is unique above ordinary experience that people experience in their everyday lives. In order for the "spirit" to be released from the imprisonment of the body is to recognize the "spark" of divinity from within so as to experience the God in you mentality. Most "Christian" Gnostics are fully convinced of the experience that they experience despite the contrary to what reality is. They choose to deny the real world in place of what is "experiential" theology so as to persist in what they claim to experience as to have such an OBE, conversation with God, visions, dreams, and spiritual "revelation." The "mindset" of "Christian" mystics is that of a "heavenly" tip-off vision by which they see themselves in the "presence" of God or their conversation with the All-Encompassing Spirit.  It is difficult to convinced the "Christian" mystics that what they experience is not real but will also convince the naive and inexperienced of believers that what they "truly" experience is real, and authentic. Once Gnostics in the professing church become so deepen in what they experience through such mystical experience is of no point of return. They have also become fully convinced and hardened by what they experience mystically ("God spoke to me, God reveal to me") is that despite of such diplomacy they are without reason nor do they prefer to reason. They are beyond reason by which to examine their own mystical experience but have difficulty grasping what is true reality.  Most "Christian" mystics are dependent on the mystical experience by which they are psychologically insulated into a  "tight" closed-logic of irrationality. They are "spiritual" junkies looking for the next spiritual revelation to affirm but replace what was the previous "revelations" they experience. The personality profile of "Christian" mystics in the church today is hallucinogenic, delusional, deceptive, and paranoid. Whenever the church is under the influence of Gnostics in the professing church today not only will they be convinced of the mystics experience but to make such mystical experience apart of their own experience without knowing the nature and content of such mystical experience. Whenever Gnostics are challenged as to their "new found" faith they retreat from any meaningful dialogue of discussion.
   The consequences of the "Christian" mystics mystical beliefs is that it gives the gives people a wrap sense of Who God is, self, and the world around them. Instead of the theistic God of the Bible as Creator of the universe is portrayed as deistic monism. In so many words, "All is God; God is All. The distinction between the Creator God and sinful humanity is blurred. There is no distinction between God and Man. They are on par with each other. Also in so many words God has billions of gods that possess that of eternality, omnipotence, and omniscient.
   Also the consequences of the "Christian" mystics belief is that most Gnostics in the church today elevate themselves above ordinary people in the world today. In so many words Gloria Copeland once says, "We are spirit beings." Spirit beings in the sense of not being "contaminated" by the corruption that are in the world. Asceticism and libertinism is at the heart of the "Christian" mystics worldview which in fact failure to meet the standards of God's moral law which leads into all kinds of debauchery and immorality. Even though we are in the world but not of the world but the fact remains that we as Christians have to deal with the things that are in the world. Such realities goes against the Gnostics "apocalyptic" vision of a "free" world bereft of the spirit's being imprisoned by the corruption that is in the world. There is no such "vision" of moral perfectionism nor the "spirit" flight into the after world (Col. 2:20-24).
   Therefore the consequences of the "Christian" mystics worldview that of the world around them are in error. Most Gnostics characterize the world as "satanic," "bourgeois," "Sense-Rule," and "unspirited." The theistic God who created the universe is the beauty of God's creation even though it have been tainted by the Fall of Man. Also most "Christian" mystics view the world around from the vantage point of the Gnostic's own "spiritual" world as empty, hopeless by which the Aeon of beings is a chain of extension of the Gnostic own "God." It is impossible according to the view of Gnosticism for the "spirit" to be contaminated by the world so as to be imprisoned. Such asceticism and libertinism is the goal of the Gnostic's vision by which it is impossible to reach the aspiration of such moral plank (1 Jn. 1:8). The "world" of the "Christian" mystics worldview is self-defeating. It is "dead" on arrival as to its moral "apocalyptic" vision. Most Gnostic systems have turned the theistic God of the Bible and creation on its own head so as to fit within the cultural context and ideology of Gnosticism.
   For the Church to prevent that of the intrusion and infiltration of Gnostic influence is to call it by name and for what it truly is (Col. 2:8, 18-19). It is impossible to address the issue of Gnosticism without knowing what is at stake. The influence of Gnostics in the professing church today is so inconspicuous that the extent by which it has influenced the Church is of such dire consequences: that of its paradigm shift from a biblical faith ("divinity" of Christ) to a mystical Christ. According to neo-Gnosticism the belief is that it is impossible for the Spirit Christ to reside in the Man Jesus. In so many words "Jesus is not the Christ." (contrast, 1 Jn. 4:1, 2-3). The "legs" are the Gnostic influence upon the Church by which the foundation of the Church's ethical and moral teachings has been greatly eroded (2 Tim. 2:17, 18). The corrosive influence of Gnosticism is demonstrated in "how" the Church view the church, that of its attitude towards biblical theology, and that of elitism.
   The way by which "Christian" mystics view that of the church is to do away with how the local churches are to be established based upon the Christ as the Head of the cornerstone, that of its structure based upon 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus, and the apostle's teaching and prayer. The eroding foundation of the church today perpetuated by Gnostics within this new millennium is that of pragmatism, Pietism (Quakerism), mysticism, pop psychology, Oriental philosophy, rehabilitative counseling, and self-esteem theology all of which have dealt a death blow to the superstructure of the foundation of the historic Christian church and true biblical Christianity. The residue of the effects of Gnosticism have left the Church susceptible to all kinds of spiritual disease that are quite damaging than other. Instead of the Church being the church it have become ineffective as to its witness for Christ, its proclamation of the truth of God's Word, prayers, and its willingness to be a light in a sin-darkened world.
   In order to avert such a crisis within Christianity is returning to a Christ-centered faith grounded in scripture, authentic worship, and that of Reformed theology.

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is also Podcast Host, "Ask Darryl" which airs 24/7 @ He is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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