Hearing God's Voice: What Does It Mean?

Why is it so important that we address this particular subject matter, "Hearing God's Voice: What Does It Mean?" Well apparently there are books that are in the Christian marketplace who claim to be an authority on "How" to Hear God's Voice, "Seven Steps to Hearing God's Voice," "Listening Prayer," especially the most popular of evangelical authors, "Conversation with God" that sold in the millions. Whenever I critique the materials of these books that have captivated many of its readers is that I have discovered the main theme of its message is that it is possible for them to actually hear God speak to them in an audible voice.  When it comes to the individual praying to God is that there is a two way conversation between the person and God Himself.  I find this quite surprising that the communication between God and the individual believer praying cannot expect God to speak back to them. In my experience praying to God as I communicate to God in prayer and fellowship that God hears my prayer, but never in my Christian experience nor in my theology taught nor did I expect to God to speak to me in the same way that I speak to Him.  The mystics need to have a "special" unique relationship with God based upon their "deeper" relationship is mystical in nature: that of God speaking in a "way" that are not the norm in terms of the traditional way of Christians praying to God. The mystics understanding of salvation is mystical union with the All Encompassing Spirit that resonate within a person's spirit; not through such rational means. In so many words in order to get Revelation God must bypass the mind to get into a person's spirit. This is the "avenue" by which "Christian" mystics attain salvation; not through personal faith in Jesus Christ.

   As we begin by studying John 10:4 where it says, "And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice." (KJV)  The question, "What does it mean for Christ's sheep to hear God's voice?" Well before we go into answering the question of this text it is important that we establish who is Christ referring to as His sheep?  In John 10:3 Jesus sheds light upon whom refer to Christ's sheep by saying, "To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he [calleth] his [own] sheep by [name], and leadeth them out."  Just imagine calling out one of your children by their name and the one children you are calling can recognize your voice.  The parent responsibility is to nurture and protect their children from any foreseen circumstance that may befall upon their children. It is like telling your child the danger of medicine in the cabinet and the outcome of taking such dangerous medicine. Whenever the parent sees the child about to go into the cabinet and take some unprescribed medicine that the parent immediately says by calling out to the child, "David stop!" and the child immediately respond by hearing their parent voice. The voice that they heard from their parent was not "inward" but "outward" by which they are able to recognize what there parent are saying about the truth of the danger of the medicine.  
  The truly elect of God who have been chosen unto salvation are Christ's sheep by which they are going to listen to the truth of what God's Word says; not some "inward" voice of the spirit that has in fact infiltrate that of the Church today (1 Tim. 2:16, 17).  God who is our Heavenly Father will not allow His chosen people to be led astray by the bewildering voice of false spiritual leaders (Ezek. 37).

   It is my prayer that God will bless this article so as to enlighten those who are seeking to understand the truth of God's Word especially the issue of the elect of God hearing the truth of what God's Word says (Jhn. 18:37 with 1 Jhn 4:6).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is also the Podcast Host of, "Ask Darryl" by which it airs 24/7 @ www.spreaker.com/user/bishopoflyons. He is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation? As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby." 


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