Real Men Don't Reason?

The eyes are the window of a man's soul! The system of the prosperity gospel must be viewed through the "windows" of the wealth and health gospels that are to be interpret. Anything that is outside the boundaries of the "system" of the prosperity gospel is to be rejected at all cost. It will consider such outside influence: that of what its victims read, see, and hear.  Dr. Robert Lifton most provocative but challenging book, "Thought Reform: The Psychology of Totalism" gives 8 psychological components of thought reform techniques by which the prosperity gospel serves as a model in the "indoctrination" process of how many of its victims are narrow in their vision. It is very much important to know that unless people look outside the closed compartmentalization of the prosperity gospel rigid system of beliefs (i.e. "Mind over matter) than by all means many of its victims will not see this heretical gospel for what it truly is: that of hedonistic in nature (i.e. "pleasure-seeking") and utilitarianism (i.e. "psychological" determinism).
   Let's take for a prime example the most controversial African American Word-Faith prosperity teacher "Dr." Creflo Dollar, founder & pastor of World Changers Church International (WCCI) coined the concept, "the ear gate, the eye gate" so as to caution his members to be aware of what they allow to get into their spirit.  In so many words words everything have to be seen through the eyes of the Holy Spirit but in reality what Mr. Dollar is really saying that everything must be interpret through the "eyes" of Creflo Dollar. Whenever Dollar begin teaching on a "series" of message or to teach such biblical principle on "Faith" he will have his members to turn to many isolated passages of scripture to give evidence that what he is teaching is in the Bible but will say, "It is in the Bible." By the time many of his members turn to a particular verse or biblical passage of scripture is that Mr. Dollar have already "preplan" the interpretation of the Bible verse under study by convincing them that what he is saying is the truth. Once again many of his members see what he is saying by interpreting the Bible verse out-of-context by which everything is seen through cultural lens or red roses of glasses by which they look at everything through the worldview of Dollar (2 Cor. 4:1-4). Unfortunately many of Dollar's members especially his television viewers of his "Changing Your World" broadcast have in fact been "rob" of their ability to critically think for themselves.
   I will use Dr. Robert Lifton, "Thought Reform: The Psychology of Totalism" to shed light upon the techniques of thought reform as a model of Creflo Dollar's World Changers Church International (WCCI) in how many of his members are "conditioned" in their minds to believe in the Totalist (Dollar) vision and ideology: that of "Making A Mark That Cannot Be Erased." Such "psychological" theme are in fact associated with that of thought reform through the vehicle of Dollar's MED class 099: that of pre-cult indoctrination. In the early stage of Dollar's new members class 099 is the gradual process of indoctrination by which "converts" have to undergo such "psychological" reconstructing of the mind by throwing out the old patterns of beliefs, traditions, biases and preconceived ideas: that of experiencing such "radical" transformation interpret by the Totalist's (Dollar) vision, and ideological belief.  There are two crucial components of thought reform techniques orchestrated by the Totalist milieu is that of (1) Control of human communication: that of what a person read, see, and hear. And (2) communication within one's own Self: that of constricting a person's freedom of self-expression.

Control of Human Communication
Case in point #1: Dollar: "Be aware of what you allow to get into your spirit." Totalist (Dollar) control what his members read, see, and hear by which they are forbidden to read books and outside religious authorities that are critical of the cult's beliefs and ideology.  Dollar who coined the concept "ear gate and eye gate" are critical of critics in the presence of his members as to say, "that ain't nothing but the devil" trying to attack the man of God so as discredit this ministry. The attack become vehement and outlandish to the point where many of his members will begin to attack others by coming against their "Pastor." It is always my pastor, my pastor but never resort to the biblical teaching of the Bible. The tragedy of it all is when members of  Dollar's church completely shutdown their unwillingness to dialogue or reason whenever their faith is being challenged by outsiders or non-World Changers people. The illogical and closed-mindedness of Dollar's members are the delirious effect of such "psychological" indoctrination by which it is "unhealthy" to their mental and physical well-being (2 Tim. 2:24-26).

Control of Self-Expression
Case in point #2: Dollar: "Don't let such faith-destroying words come out of your mouth." According to Dollar that in order for members in his church to experience prosperity they must say aloud, " I am prosperous," "I am wealthy," "I am healed," despite of what his members are experiencing in their everyday lives.  For cult members to deny the reality of their circumstances (e.g. "sickness) or what they are experiencing in pursuit of  "walking in Faith," "staking their claim," or to make such positive affirmation of faith "backed" by the Bible is toxic in their faith (2 Tim. 2:17-18). In reality for a person to say they are sick or have a simple head-cold is to activate the "negative" side of the pole (Fear) as it relates to "Faith confession." But for the "Faith" cultist to say they do not have a migraine headache so as to claim "divine" healing is to activate the "positive" side of the pole (Faith) which also relates to Positive Confession which in fact suppress the self-expression of many of Dollar's members.
   For totalist of such milieu control to control that of its followers willingness to express themselves by which they really feel or experience in place of "Faith" confession ("By faith I am healed") is to infringe upon a person's God-given right to freedom of expression. It also violates a person's conscience by which they are morally insensitive to what is right and wrong (1 Tim. 4:2).  People must be able to truly express themselves without someone else violating their freedom of self-expression. It is a spiritual affront to the theistic God of the Bible.
   In conclusion the Abuser of such milieu control of environment is that "Real Men Don't Reason" so as to think in terms of what is rational or the reasonableness of faith in critically examining the cult's ideology and beliefs. Many followers of alternative and new religious movements are unaware of their pre-cult indoctrination (closed system), techniques of mind-control, that of its impact for example members of Dollar's church in "how" they have been deprived and discourage from asking any questions in regards to their own charismatic leadership.

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries of Atlanta, Georgia. Darryl is bestselling author, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From?: Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" He is also the Podcast Host, "Ask Darryl" ( As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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