The Symposium of False Teaching in the Church Today

Many professing Christian leaders in the Church today have in fact changed their strategy so as to make what they teach are not easily detected.  For example the false doctrine of prosperity and Faith have been buried beneath the rubble of "The Grace Empowerment" and "Grace Revolution" as a "spiritual" front to promote the false teaching of prosperity (2 Cor. 4:1-2; 3-4).  Many within Faith televangelism attempt to teach on grace as if it has no strings attached to it but in order for the Faith believer to experience "true" prosperity is to follow the "formulas" of faith to live a prosperous robust lifestyle.  The false doctrine of prosperity teach in principle the doctrine of grace but in practice teach otherwise.  The doctrine of grace has nothing to do with "sowing" a seed into the televangelist's Swiss bank account nor does proof of one's spirituality is determine by the amount of things they possess materially. 
   The doctrine of grace is something freely given; not what is earned especially when it comes to the believer being saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8-9). 
   When it comes to the whole idea about philosophy is meant a "lover of wisdom" by which many philosophers would attempt to explain the complexities of life within the framework of such philosophical ideas and ideology.  Philosophers of philosophy even through the premium of such philosophical ideas would explain life's difficulties is not the cure all of such scientific and technological problems.  Yet many Christian apologists can appreciate the philosophies of today so as to understand the basics of various philosophical ideologies is what causes apologetics to defend that of the Christian faith (1 Pet. 3:15).
   Their are those within the context of the Christian church who would say that "philosophy" is not that important but that we must remain true to God's Word.  It is unfortunate that many liberal/conservative churches within evangelicalism will adamantly deny the use and prospects of philosophy are the very ones who promote such ideological views known as that of neo-Gnosticism (Col. 2:8, 18).  Paul in his letter to the Colossians believers warns against mysticism in the church today.  The problems that the early church face with the danger of Gnostics during that day is also quite true within the Church today (Jude 3-4).
   The worldview philosophy of neo-Gnosticism is that it is a philosophical ideology that has been perpetuated within the professing church today.  Most Gnostics utilize Christian biblical terminologies (e.g. "divinity" of Christ) as to compete with true biblical Christianity and the historic Christian church but have radically different meanings.  Whenever the Church taught that of the "divinity" of Christ is that Jesus is the Christ. The Christian church believe in the full humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ (1 Jn. 4:1, 2ff).  Most Gnostics will deny the Person and work of Jesus Christ as to say that it is impossible for the Christ Spirit to reside in the Man Jesus. Therefore Jesus is not the Christ; He was only a Man.  For Gnostics to deny Jesus Christ for what He truly is, is to deny the Father (1 Jn. 2:22-23ff).  Jesus Christ is God revealed in human flesh (Jn. 1:1, 14).
   Many "liberal" charismatic movements will have the Church to believe that true spirituality is the "way" by which "knowledge" is received through a person's human spirit; not through such rational means.  In so many words the "superiority" of knowledge taught by many Gnostic charismatics is to recognize the spark of divinity as to be the Christ, or Christos.  Charismatic believers must know who they are in Christ as to their position in Christ.  Even though Christ indwells the life of believers does not of the sort mean that we are the "personification" of Christ.  As Faith televangelist Benny Hinn once says, "We are little messiahs walking around on planet earth."  
   The Church possess such spiritual knowledge; not the "fleshly" knowledge of Gnostics within the professing church today (Col. 1:9-10 contrast with Col. 2:18, 19).  Asceticism and libertinism is at the heart of many Charismatic churches and extremism (Col. 2:20-25).
   What may appear to be biblical taught by many Charismatics and Pentecostal circles is a "recycling" of the philosophical beliefs and ideology of neo-Gnosticism.  Their is a philosophical basis of what many Charismatics teach within that of evangelicalism: that of its elevated and superiority of knowledge within a person's human spirit.  Many Charismatic believers are prohibited to think in terms of such critical thinking.  The "revival" of pagan spirituality has in fact reared its ugly head throughout many liberal charismatic and conservative Pentecostalism (1 Tim. 4:1).
   There are examples by which neo-Gnosticism have "revived" itself within the professing church today.  Most Gnostics within the church today have such an hatred for the body because of its sin's propensity.  Gnosticism teaches that to overcome sin, sickness, disease, and death is that the "human" spirit must be liberated from the imprisonment of the body.  For Gnostics to accomplish the task of moral perfectionism is through prayer, fasting, incantation, and the castration of the sins of the flesh so as to live a life of sinless perfectionism (contrast, 1 Jn. 1:8).  Asceticism and libertinism is the lofty goal of Gnostics within the professing church today whose futile effort only serves to intensify such sins of the flesh in sinning.
   Even though we are not of this world, but we as Christians are in this world.  There is no such thing as sinless perfectionism because of the fact that due to Adam's sin and disobedience that we all are fallen human beings that fall short of God's divine glory.  In so many words God is Perfect in His moral character; Man falls short of such moral perfectionism (Rom. 3:23).
   There are Christian mystics or Gnostics who claim that they can "unravel" or "unfold" God's divine mysteries so as to have the mind of God.  Man as well as God is "unlimited" in His knowledge of Who God is but it is the other way around.  Man is "limited" in His knowledge of Who God is and such "knowledge" is "limited" as to what is already revealed in scripture; not through the supposedly "superior" knowledge of "Christian" mystics in the professing Church today (Col. 2:18, 19).
   The "secret" things belongs unto the LORD thy God, but those things which are revealed belongs to us and our children childrens (Deut. 29:29).  For seers, mystics, prophet or prophetess claim to have gotten a "revelation" in their spirit as a "direct" pipeline from God above is to be a false representative of God (2 Pet. 2:1).
   Not only is the philosophy of neo-Gnosticism a worldview concept, but are "metaphysical" in nature as to its view of God, the world around them, and including itself.  Most Gnostics view the theistic God of the Bible as a Force, Immaterial Being, or monism. The world of "Christian" mystics or Gnostics is that it is a illusion; Man is a Spirit.  Such false teachings have in fact infiltrate that of many Charismatic extremism and Pentecostal existentialist by which it has destroyed the faith and life of many believers today (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).
   In order that the Church within this new millennium can averts such a crisis within Christianity is to return to a Christ-centered, biblically-centered theology taught by our Reformed forbearers.

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries of Atlanta, Georgia. He is the Radio Host of "Answer In Focus" Ministries that is aired weekly in Atlanta and in the United States. Darryl is bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?"  As a apologist, pastor, Senior researcher/editor, and conference speaker he is in great demand both in the United States and the continents.  Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside of Atlanta, Georgia with their puppy "Little" Baby.   


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