The Historical Event that Happened at the Day of Pentecost
Just recently my wife press upon my heart to deal with the whole idea concerning speaking in tongues according to Acts 2:4. I agree to do a verse by verse expositional study of God's Word regarding this subject matter, but it was equally important to study Acts 2:1-11 so as to shed light upon this particular issue as it relates to speaking in tongues. Even though my wife was a former member of a Bible-based sect known as The Church of God in Christ for 16 years she felt that it was necessary that we address on our Radio broadcast because of the confusing issue of speaking in tongues that surrounds many of professing believers and the Church at large especially within the context of many Charismatic and Pentecostal movements whose belief is in the "second" work of grace, or the "second" blessing as essential to the completeness of the believer's salvation (Gal. 1:8, 9; 3:1, 2-4).
Within many sects and cults there is an tendency to add works on the cross of Christ so as to the completeness of the believer's salvation experience. Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; not of any human works or merits (Eph. 2:8-9). There are many believers who feel of sense of guilt and shame simply because they do not possess the "power" of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues thereby they continual to "tarry" for such empowering of the Spirit by which they seek something that are foreign to the Bible. The truth of the matter every believer is "baptize" by the Spirit at the moment of salvation, but the "infilling" of the Spirit is a continual "act" of being filled by which it is not interchangeable with speaking in tongues. As a result of believers being "improperly" taught God's Word can tremendously impact the lives of God's people (2 Tim. 2:17, 18). Presumptuousness, foolishness of faith, and recklessness have in fact cause many believer's faith to become spiritually shipwrecked (2 Tim. 2:18).
Throughout this article I will begin to address (1) the historical origins of the experience of the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1). That of (2) the "continuity" of the experience of Pentecost that are taught by many Charismatic and Pentecostal denominations. And (3) The misinterpretation of the experience of Pentecost to fit within the cultural context of modern-day Pentecostalism (Gal. 3:1, 2-4). In order to clear the misunderstanding that have been perpetuated by the leadership of many Charismatic and Pentecostal sects and denominations must be resolved based upon the clear teachings of God's Word (2 Tim. 3:16, 17).
The historical origins of the experience of Pentecost was that the 120 believers who were sitting in the upper room was to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4). The Feast of Passover regarding the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ was that the coming of the Holy Spirit at the day of Pentecost was to occurs after 50 days (Acts 1:4-5). There are many Charismatic and Pentecostal churches and denominations are ignorant when it comes to both historical and biblical theology. The weakness of its theological presupposition gives way to all kinds of "strange" doctrines and heresies by which it breeds many cults within modern-day Pentecostalism. The United Pentecostal Church International even though it prides itself charismatic gifts and speaking in tongues explicitly denies the doctrine of the Trinity or the Tri-unity of God who teach what is known as the doctrine of modalism: that each Person within the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit can act in different modes. The Father can be the Son, the Son can be the Father, and the Holy Spirit can be the Father and the Son. But in 1 John 5:7 it says, "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit: and these three are [one]." In so many words the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit constitute one true and living God whereby they possess the same divine attributes, distinct in their own personality, but are in agreement with the work of salvation.
Even though what took place in the day of Pentecost are a historical fact, but that it is impossible for many Charismatic and Pentecostal movements to "duplicate" that of its historical origins that occurred at the day of Pentecost. The day of Pentecost originated with the 120 believers who were sitting in the upper room whereby they were "filled" with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4); not the "botched" history of modern-day Pentecostalism.
The "continual" theory of the experience of Pentecost taught by many modern-day Charismatic and Pentecostal movements is that what happens during the early days of the day of Pentecost are applicable to the church today. How is it that many Charismatic and Pentecostal sects can overtly ignore even worst distort that of the context of Acts 2:1a where it says, "When the day of Pentecost came..." There is a historical gap between what happens at the day of Pentecost than what is suppose to take place within the church today. Many Charismatics will contend by quoting Hebrews 13:8 by which it says, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." They will have the church to believe that what happen then can happen now. We cannot put a restriction on what God can do because of quenching the Spirit or the power of God whereby many Charismatics are ignorant when it comes to both historical and biblical theology (2 Pet. 3:15, 16, 17). Whenever Charismatic believer are challenge as to their new found faith they immediately shift into such neutrality so as to defend charismatic beliefs thus they are perverted in their theology. Whenever people are taught perverted theology they are perverted in their sinful lifestyle (Matt. 7:15ff). A tree is known by the fruit it bears. Oranges cannot grow apples; neither can grapes grows figs.
Even though it is undeniable that what took place at the day of Pentecost was in fact a historical event, but for the Church to "duplicate" that of the experience of Pentecost is sheer fabrication even at worse "botched" history of a movement that prides itself so as to be a part of that history by which history prove otherwise.
The misinterpretation of the experience of Pentecost to fit within the cultural context of modern-day Pentecostalism is to misconstrue the experience in and of itself thus cause such confusion within the minds and hearts of Pentecostal believers today. How is it that many Charismatic and Pentecostal movements misinterpret the experience of the early days of Pentecost? What are the consequences of those who will attempt to make history of their own in congruent to the original histories of others? In so many words there are movements throughout history the church who will "forge" the histories of others as to be apart of their own historical experience. Unfortunately there are many Charismatics and Pentecostal movements who have in fact made as their own history the early days of Pentecost according to Acts 2:1 which are very much inconsistent with what took at the day of Pentecost. Most Charismatics have in fact "misinterpret" the experience of the early days of Pentecost as the "birthday" of the Church or the modern-day Pentecostal movement so as to restore primitive biblical Christianity in restoring the gifts of the Spirit, speaking in tongues, and prophecy by which scripture does not bear witness (John 14:26).
What was happening during the day of Pentecost was that there were 120 believers from different nations and groups of people that were "filled" with the Holy Spirit, but they spoke in their own native languages by which the Spirit enabled them to speak fluently to communicate the gospel throughout the world (Acts 2:1-4). They spoke in a way that was very much understandable to those who heard them speak in their own native language; not the "gibberish" twisted tongues of those who claim to speak in such a "heavenly" language that only God knows what that person is saying without them knowing and understanding themselves what they are saying. The "twisted" tongues of many Charismatics are mystical, non-cognitive, and nonsensical that has nothing to do with the edifying of the church today. There are many believers who are "confused" as to their relationship with Jesus Christ simply because they are convinced that "speaking in tongues" is just as much apart of their salvation experience (Gal. 1:8-9; 3:1, 2-4).
In order to avert such a crisis within Christianity is to return to a Bible-centered theology that witness Christ and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit witness Christ; Christ witness that of the Holy Spirit. For many Charismatics and Pentecostal to place so much emphasis on the Holy Spirit as to its "imbalance" without preaching Christ is to ensure a defective theology that "affects" other areas of doctrine and theology. For any movement or doctrine that have a weak view of the Holy Spirit is to weaken that of its superstructure and theological foundations (1 Cor. 3:12-13; 15).
Rev. Darryl L. Miller, is the founder & Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Church (International) of Atlanta, Georgia. He is also the president and Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" Darryl is Radio Host of, "Answer In Focus" Ministries that is aired throughout metro Atlanta. As a apologist, senior researcher/editor, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."
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