The Issue of Tongues in the Church Today

The issue of tongues have been greatly misunderstood by the church today! There are many within both Charismatic and Pentecostal circles who believe that "speaking in tongues" is apart of the believers salvation experience (Acts 19:1).  There is no where that gives indication in the Bible that teach that Christ's death on the cross provides such a second work of grace:  that of speaking in tongues as part of the Christian salvation experience.  If in fact speaking in tongues is apart of the believer's salvation experience than the purpose by which Christ died for our sins is insufficient in securing our salvation.  Christ's death on the cross provided salvation by which a person can be saved from the guilt and penalty of sin (Rom. 6:23).
   Throughout this article I will begin to lay the foundation as to how it is important to rightly divide God's Word of truth as to (1) comparing scripture with scripture. (2) the historical context of scripture. (3) the grammatical wording of the context of the Bible. And (4) The biblical and theological analysis of the subject matter under study.  It is so important that the Church have a proper knowledge and understanding of God's Word or else it will hinder the spiritual growth and life of the believer in living a life that is pleasing unto the Lord (2 Pet. 3:18).  
    First, in order to understand a biblical passage of scripture is to compare scripture with scripture (1 Cor. 2:13).  In so many words the best interpretation of the Bible is the Bible itself.  I find it quite amazing that the average believer within the church today have failed in the area of basic Bible interpretation.  Instead of comparing scripture with scripture that the Church have taken isolated passages of the Bible to make it personal in their own lives without looking at the whole of the context of scripture.  It is so important that we look not only at the immediate passage of scripture under study, but to also look at its surrounding context. We must look at previous and preceding verses of the Bible to understand the immediate context of scripture under study.  The context of scripture rules; not what is a pretext.  Any passage of scripture that is taken out of it original meaning is that of proof-texting the Bible thus by which it destroys the whole message (2 Pet. 3:16).  The reason for the proliferation of cults and heresies is due to the ignorance of Church today as to their basic knowledge and understanding of Bible interpretation.  The Church today is paying a dear price for its ignorance by which many of believers are greatly impacted spiritually (2 Tim. 2:18).  Even those particular passages of the Bible that may seem difficult to understand is that there are other passages of scripture that will shed light upon it.  There are too many of believers who have went into "spiritual" retreat simply because they do not understand what the Bible teach.  We must persist in our understanding of the Bible so as to allow the Holy Spirit to give us such understanding of God's Word (Jn. 14:26).
    Why is it so important for the Church to understand the historical context of Bible?  The Bible is full of rich history by which God is the Author of scripture (2 Tim. 3:16).  Even though God is the Author of scripture that He use 40+ human authors who were under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  Such authors comes from different ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds.  God through the Holy Spirit did not take away their style and vocabulary but what these authors wrote what God intended them to write. They were under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  For example the apostle Paul was able to express his feelings for the salvation of Israel (Rom. 10:1).  As a ministry we believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16).  In so many words the Bible is without human error by which God is the Author of scripture.  The Church have failed when it comes to the historical context of the Bible. Instead of taking into account the author, the people, and the circumstances from which it was written during the time it was wrote that many within the leadership of the church today have carelessly overstep their boundaries by overlooking the plain meaning of scripture to make such an application.  What makes it even more worse is for the Christian mystic to seek some intuitive, esoteric understanding of the biblical context of scripture by "spiritualizing" the character of the Bible so as to make it ineffectual (2 Tim. 2:18).  The infiltration of theological mysticism have in fact sap the spiritual lifeblood of the Church today so as to witness its skeletal remains. Interpretation comes before application; not the other way around.  In order to grasp the true meaning of any passage/s of scripture is to seek its historical context.  We must rightly divide God's Word of truth to avoid spiritual error.
    It is so important that we understand the wording of the context of the Bible. Words have meanings. To misinterpret the grammatical wording of the context of scripture is to destroy the message of the Bible. First, in order to understand the wording of a passage or passages of scripture is to seek the original author understanding of how they define such biblical terminology. Even though there is a historical "gap" between the author's original meaning of the wording of the context of scripture as opposed to our present-day understanding of how the Western culture define such biblical terms, but nonetheless we must seek to understand its original meanings.  Semantics, play of words, and propaganda is Satan's most powerful tool in manipulating and deceiving God's people through his emissaries (2 Cor. 4:3-4).  Whenever words are misinterpreted, redefined along with such misapplication it not only create such semantic jungle, but through a web of deception by which people are hooked.  The most powerful arsenal in cult evangelism is its "redefinition" of Christian biblical terminology (e.g. "Firstborn) so as to confuse and boggle the minds of the naive and inexperience.  In order to destroy the cultist of its most powerful arsenal is to insist that they define such biblical terms in light of the Bible; not the Bible in light of cult theology.
    The biblical and theological analysis of a particular subject or theme in light of the Bible is that of its philosophical basis.  Whenever a person say something or make a statement it is not done out of a vacuum. There is a philosophical basis from which they come from.  For example: There is a widespread teaching in the professing church today who believe that God speaks within a person's [human] spirit without any rational basis.  The question(?):  Are believers today can know the philosophical basis from which a person make such a statement?  There are those within the leadership of the church today who will have us to believe that the Bible teach what is taught in scripture as to God speaking within a person's [human] spirit thus ignorant of its historical and philosophical presupposition.  The biblical and theological analysis of such Christian mystics in the professing church today is that of theological mysticism (Col. 2:18, 19).  Most mystics believe that in order that a person can attain salvation is (1) recognize the "spark" of divinity from within. (2) Know your true identity in Christ. And (3) Truth comes from within.  This is the true character of Gnosticism in the professing church today by which it put on such Christian garment but is a Trojan Horse that seek to destroy the faith and life of the Church today (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).  
    The fundamentals of the Christian faith like The Bible, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Sin, and Salvation is rooted in such biblical and theological analysis.  The theological analysis of the Bible is rooted in Bibliology, the doctrine of God (Theos), the doctrine of Jesus (Christology), the doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Puematology), the doctrine of Sin (Harmatology), and the doctrine of Salvation (Soteriology).  Even though the Bible makes such vital Christian doctrines (e.g. "the Bible") simple in its most simplest terms but have as its basis such biblical and theological analysis.
     When it comes to the issue of Tongues within the Church today by which it has been greatly misunderstood we must study the whole of this subject; not in part.  Throughout a series of articles I will begin to study many of the passages of scripture (Acts 1-2:1-21) as to the clarity and understanding of Acts 2:1-4 ff relating to speaking in tongues, native language, people involved, and the prophecy of Joel in Joel 2:24.  In order to accomplish this biblical task is to look at the whole of scripture within its biblical and theological analysis (2 Tim. 2:15).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller, is founder & Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Church International of Atlanta, Georgia. He is also the president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" Darryl is also Radio Host of, "Answer In Focus" Ministries that is aired in Atlanta and beyond.  As a apologist, senior researcher/editor, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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