Rejoicing In The Lord!

Paul encourages the Philippians believers to rejoice in the Lord.  To rejoice in the Lord is to know that we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by telling others of our "newfound" faith in Christ.  There is always a threat by others within the Church today whose primary goal and objective is to rob believers of their relationship with Jesus Christ through man-made rules and regulations (Phil. 3:1b).  Legalism, moral plank, and Christian perfectionism is at the heart of spiritual apostasy (1 Tim. 4:1).  The outcome of apostasy is to destroyed the true faith and to ruin the moral lives of God's people.  There are many professing believers despite of the truth of God's Word they will persist in such doctrinal error so as to reveal what they really believe and who they are (Matt. 7:15-ff).  
   The apostle Paul also warns the Philippians believers by saying: "Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh (Phil. 3:2).  Paul the apostle gives a description of false spiritual leaders in the Church today.  Also 2 Peter 2:1-24 gives a graphic description of apostates and their teaching. There is nothing heroic nor commendable about the nature and character of false teachers within the professing church today.  They are sinful in their immoral lives along with their false teachings.  False spiritual leaders are dogs who eat their own vomit, emissaries of Satan, and castration of the flesh (v. 3).
   Legalist in the professing church are always spying out believer's Christian liberty so as to bring them into bondage.  They talk about the grace of Christ as to trusting Christ for our salvation but at the same time require that the Church live by man-made rules and regulations (Gal. 3:1-2ff).  Most professing Christian teachers are inconsistent as to what they teach even at worse lead many believers down a path of legalism as part of their own salvation experience (Acts 19:1).  In so many words they talk about grace but they have no meaning of what grace is. To know and have such an understanding of the grace of God is to experience salvation ONLY; not adding works unto salvation (Eph. 2:8, 9).  False spiritual leaders are grace "killers" by which many believers does not experience nor extent grace unto others. Many legalists are judgmental of others even those whose failure to be in compliance to such man-made rules and regulations.  They give its victims at sense of guilt and shame by which it is utterly possible to live up to the standards made by the Church as binding upon its members.  I once remember talking to a woman on my job and she begin to share with me and my fellow coworkers that she had to check in with her pastor to approve of her decision as to go out on a date, who to fellow with, and to marry.  It demonstrate that her pastor has complete control and manipulation over her life where she could not make think nor make independent decisions of her own.  That is a tragedy in and of itself.  Apostates in the Church today pretend that they are in the best interest of God's people, but they seek to ruin the moral lives of believers (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).
    The tendency of Christian perfectionism is a live a sin "free" life (1 Jn. 1:8).  I can also remember my wife sharing with me during our Bible discussion together that she was "formerly" apart of a Bible-based sect that believe that to live "free" from sin is to read the Bible, pray, fast, and speaking in tongues.  That was her understanding of living a holy life by which in reality it was difficult to live a truly Christian life.  For believers to read the Bible, pray, fast, and speaking in tongues in order to overcome habits of sin is to heighten the propensity to sin or sinning.  The problematic issue with legalism in the professing church today are its ignorance of the Fall of Man (Gen. 3:1-7 with Rom. 5:12): that man is a sinner by nature (Rom. 3:23).  God is holy in His character; Man is unholy.  Even though many of us as believers are saved by the grace of God through personal faith in Jesus Christ will experience "mishaps" within our own spiritual and personal lives as believers (1 Jn. 1:9).  The idea of sanctification is a "progressive" work; not something that is instantaneous. What we experience and go through as believers is to be conform to likeness of Christ.  Many of the trials and difficulties that we as believers experience within our own spiritual and personal lives will bring about such spiritual maturity (1 Pet. 4:12, 13).  In order for believers to live a life pleasing to the Lord is to allow Christ to live within them; not through their own strength nor self effort.
   During the next article of Part 2 I will address the issue of  the circumcision of the heart wrought by the Holy Spirit as to its regeneration as opposed to such "mere" outward religiosity by which many legalist in the professing church believe are a indication of such holiness (Titus 1:16).  Many legalist take pride in the flesh by making it binding upon others so as to live by the law ( Matt. 23; Gal. 3:1, 2-4). 
   In order for believers to experience true freedom and liberty in Christ is to know Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord ONLY; not by rules, regulations, and performance.  It is salvation minus works.  To live a life pleasing unto the Lord is to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 3:18).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller, is the founder & Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Church International of Atlanta, Georgia.  He is also the president and Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents.Darryl is bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?"  Darryl is also Radio Host of, "Answers In Focus" Ministries that is aired weekly throughout Atlanta and beyond. As a apologist, senior researcher/editor, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside of Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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