Why A Study of The Church of God In Christ?

It is so important to do research on alternative and new religious movements. The reason why it is important to study sects and cults is its opposition of traditional religious establishments and the whole of the political government. These are groups and organization whether extreme fundamentalist groups, neo-Nazis, or right wing political organizations that pose such challenge and threat society and human institutions. Just recently I watch on CNN News today concerning two white Nazis whose attempt was to bomb Black churches and to create a race war in the United States as well as the assassination of political officials. The White Nazis attempt to go through with their threat was interrupted by the FBI.  It is a fact that because of racist ideology, curious beliefs, practices, and apocalyptic vision of  self proclaimed Messiah of these dangerous cult groups that at will they will say and do anything that will silence the mouths of its critics as well as religious scholars and authorities that critique that of its movement and doctrine.
   Why a study of the Church of God in Christ? This particular article is dedicated to my wife Vivian for her bringing to my attention this particular sect known as, "The Church of God in Christ." My wife was a former member of The Church of God in Christ for 16 years by which she was unaware of the history of this denomination, its teachings, and its own authoritarian leadership. The Church of God in Christ (1897) founded by the Late Bishop Charles H. Mason is the largest Black Pentecostal denomination in the United States and around the world.  The Church of God in Christ has a membership of 6-7 millions membership worldwide. The distinctive doctrines and practice of The Church of God in Christ (COGIC) are that of the baptism of the Holy Spirit: that of the subsequent work of salvation which is manifested specifically through speaking in tongues, which derives the basis of its interpretation of Acts 2:4 and a "elevated" view of holiness and sanctification. 
   Throughout this article I will begin to (1) map out the history of Black sects and cults. (2) That of the curious teachings and practice of religious sectarianism and cult-like churches and organizations that deem a challenge and threat to true biblical Christianity and the historic Christian churches (Methodist, Baptist, Reformed). That of (3) the of many sectarian leadership and cults spiritual influence and psychological impact that it have on its followers. And (4) The necessity to reevaluate and reassess people beliefs and involvement in questionable groups and organizations.
   The history of sects and cults is its opposition to main-line religious establishment (i.e. Methodist, Baptist, Reformed) and political government by which Black cults that does not fit within the culture and ideological beliefs of its own system. For example that of Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness consider traditional denominational churches as "apostate" by which many sects and cults claim to restore primitive biblical Christianity. Such religious sects and cults within its own leadership also claim some "new" found truth or revelation that is inaccessible to many "traditional" denominational churches or "organized" religion as a whole by which they are a separatist movement. These self-proclaimed Messianic leaders and groups also claim they are a "incarnations" of God as was Jesus of Nazareth.  The history of sects and cults take pride in the superiority of their knowledge or "gnosis" as to separate itself from the masses of people, especially many "traditional" churches and organized religion who possess such sensory knowledge as oppose to such "spiritual" knowledge or "gnosiko" (Col. 2:18, 19). The culture and beliefs of many alternative and new religious movements are apocalyptic in its own vision, but have strange beliefs and practice that are antithetical to the whole of biblical Christianity and the historic Christian church (1 Jn. 2:18).
    The strange teachings and practice of many Black cults and sects are its literal interpretation and at worse its allegorical interpretation of the Bible (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).  For example the curious teachings of sects and cults are its bewildered interpretation of the Fall of Man infuse with the nature of Satan by which Adam and Eve lost their "godhood" by which they born children from the lower regions of the earth. Adam's sin and disobedience brought about the ruin of the human race; not losing their godhood in the garden (Ge. 2:17, 18; Rom. 5:18-23).  Also many sects especially literally teach that of snake handling of such venomous reptile (Mk. 16:17, 18).  The "sect" of The Church of God in Christ (1897) are literal in their interpretation of the Bible and are "strict" when it comes to its own "written" and oral code: that of its dress and moral code (Matt. 23). 
    The practice of many sects like The Church of God in Christ (1897) is that of speaking in tongues, fasting, prayers, incantation, dreams, visions, revelation, and the worshiping of angelic personage (Col. 2:18, 19). The asceticism and libertinism of many sects today is that of its separateness and faulty moral vision of such Christian perfectionism (1 Jn. 1:8).  Many leaders of sects and cults belief in the castration of the sins of the flesh is to believe that speaking in tongues, fasting, and praying empowers them as to abstain from any spiritual and moral vice. In reality the work system of many sects and cults intensifies the propensity to sin or sinning. It is sacrilegious in its worldview; not having the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 10:1, 2-4). The "sect" of The Church of God in Christ is a works movement; not a grace movement. By sectarianism is that this particular sect known as The Church of God in Christ (1897) split from "traditional" Black Baptist in Little Rock, Arkansas. 
    The social and psychological impact of sectarian groups and organization is that of its separateness from the world and its psychological of totalism by which many of its members are "brainwashed" by being molded into a closed system of logic or ideological belief (Rom. 16:17, 18).  Even though the theological fluctuation and change in the beliefs and practice of The Church of God in Christ are somewhat apparent, but in reality it remain the same despite the contrary.  Also even though the ideology of the leadership of The Church of God in Christ (COGIC) teach separation from the world but because of its own asceticism are in fact "of" the world due to its legalistic teachings and practice (Col. 2:20-24). That of perfectionism, moral plank, legalism, and sacrilegious is that of spiritual apostasy taught by demons (1 Tim. 4:1, 2).
    The "psychology" of totalism within the closed system of religious sects and cults is the totalist goal in the controlling of human communication: that of what a person read, and see.  Many sect leaders like The Late Bishop Charles H. Mason, founder of the "sect" of The Church of God in Christ (COGIC) belief in a sharp contrast between Reason and Faith. In so many words members of his organization are discourage from thinking in terms of what is rational and reasonableness of faith. They are taught to believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible ONLY; not through higher learning and academic training in such theological institution (1 Jn. 2:27b). The whole thinking rationale of the system of the Church of God in Christ is characterized by such anti-intellectualism. The system in and of itself will teach by saying, "...and you do not need anyone to teach you."  That is the "theme" of many sects and cults today: that of its anti-intellectual stance in opposition to the reasonableness of Christian faith (1 Pet. 3:15).
    There is a necessity for people who are involved in questionable groups and organization to reevaluate and reassess their beliefs in light of the Bible (1 Jn. 4:1-2ff with Acts 17:11).  First, in order to for cultist to see the need to reevaluate their beliefs in light of God's Word is to point out the inconsistency of the group's belief system in opposition to the Bible (2 Tim. 2:24-26).  It is important that in order to reach cultist at their doorstep is to (1) Be knowledgeable of essential Christian doctrine. (2) Know the culture and language of the group under study. And (3) "how" cultist utilize the language of the Bible to fit within its culture and ideological worldview contrast to God's Word. Many cultist because of the influence by its own cultic leadership play such psychological ploy so as to not stick with the issue or study matter. Always insist that cultists stay with the subject even though they will seek to get away from the subject matter or discussion to have you in their own backyard. It is a way to distract and confuse both through play of words and semantics so as to be enveloped by the cult's ideological beliefs (2 Cor. 4:1-4).  In order to destroy the most powerful arsenal of cult evangelism is to insist that they define biblical Christian terminologies in light of God's Word; not in light of the cult ideological beliefs (Rom. 16:17-18).
    Also it is necessity that cultist of sect groups and organization "reassess" their beliefs in light of the Bible (Acts 17:11). To "reassess" one's beliefs is to look at the structure of its own belief system in "how" that it is characterize by such theological mold. In so many words everything have to be seen in light of the cults ideological beliefs. Anything that is outside of the cults ideological belief and dogma is "evil," "worldly," "unholy," and not "spirited."  There is also a "psychological" component that most cultist have such closed compartments within their thinking capacity to critically think for themselves. They rely heavily on the interpretation and "spiritual" revelations of its own cult leadership to be the Final arbiter of  absolute truth (contrast, 2 Pet. 1:20).  The "black and white" ideological beliefs within many sect and cult systems are what is "literal, mystical, and revelational;" not what is rational and reasonable.  In witnessing to cultist through encouraging them to reassess their beliefs is to point them back to the scripture. As witnesses for Christ we must not attack the cultist nor its leadership, but to address the core of its beliefs by which they are entangled into a web of deceptive beliefs and practice (2 Tim. 2:24-26).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller, is the founder & Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Church of Atlanta, Georgia. He is also the president and Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual  Revelation?" Darryl is also the Radio Host of, "Answers In Focus" Ministries that is aired throughout metro Atlanta and its surrounding counties. As a apologist, senior researcher/editor, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside of metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."  


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