The Objectivity of Faith: The Existence of God

Throughout my previous article, "The Nature of Faith" I dealt with the fact that the travesty of faith is God-centered faith in contradiction to the worldview understanding of the Faith movement's anthropological view of atheistic evolutionism: that the theistic God of the Bible is a "Faith" being that is subject to such spiritual laws. That the "impersonal" god of the Faith movement have to "utilize" the "force of faith" through faith-filled words to create the world of its own imagination (Rom. 1:21-23). Thus the whole of the Faith movement understanding of "Faith" is rank atheistic; not what is monotheistic (1 Cor. 8:6).  Not only is the God of the Bible humanistic, but the doctrine of Faith is an "carcinogenic" faith that of such "electrical, tangible "force" that the "Faith" Christian utilize through visualization and "word" power to create the world of their own desires. The "god" of the Faith movement is a "cosmic" gofer at the beck and call of the Faith believer. God is Servant; Faith Christian is King. To understand the nature of faith is to believe in the existence of God as oppose to such atheism: that God does not exist or hold to such "agnostic" view that perhaps maybe God exist or does not exist.
   In part 2 of my article, "The Objectivity of Faith: The Existence of God" where I will begin to address as to the object of the believer's faith whereby God exist. There is a "crisis" in Christianity where many professing believers whose worldview is based upon such atheism: that God is a "Faith" Being that is subject to such spiritual laws. That through God's "force" of His faith that He had to "utilize" faith-filled words in order to create the universe. The worldview atheism of the Word of Faith movement is its antithetical view of the theistic God of the Bible: that God created the universe through the Triunity of the Godhead and power (Rom. 1:20).
   There are proponents within the modern Word-Faith movement who claim to faith, but, their understanding of the doctrine of Faith is Man-centered; not God-centered. Also their understanding of the God of the Bible is humanistic: that God is consist of Faith whereby He is subject to such spiritual laws. God is Servant; the "Faith" Christian is King. The "god" of the Faith movement is an "impersonal" god that can be manipulated by words through the "Faith" believer "force" of his or her own faith. The "god" of the Faith movement is at the beck and call of the "Faith" Christian selfish desires (Mark 11:22, 23-24). 
   The "subjectivity" of the "force of faith" through faith-filled words is the Faith movement Object of faith; not the theistic God of the Bible. For the "Faith" Christian to have Faith in one's own Faith as oppose to having faith in God is a "false" faith whereby it is based upon shamanism, witchcraft, and voodooism (Gal. 3:1). Even though creation is design by the Designer (e.g. God) it is proof of the existence of God. The creation of the world was created out of nothing based upon God's divine power and omnipotence (Ge. 1:1, 2). When the theistic God of the universe made such divine "decrees" and "commands" by saying, "Let there be light...and there was light was based upon His divine power and Godhead; not "mere" carcinogenic "words" purported by the system of Faith theology or that of the Faith movement today (2 Pet. 2:1). It is through faith that we comprehend that the universe was "framed" by God's command (i.e. "divine" power and Godhead, [Rom. 1:20]), so that what is seen is not made out of what is visible (Heb. 11:3).
  The object of a person's faith is based upon the quality as well as the quantity of one's belief. There are consequences of ideas. Wrong briefs carries enormous consequences. The quality and quantity of the believer's Object of faith in the existence of God is biblical faith. The "subjective" faith of many professing believers within the Faith movement "carcinogenic" faith is to hazardous to the spiritual well-being of the church today (2 Tim. 2:17-18).
   The naturalistic worldview philosophy of many proponents within the Faith movement especially within the context of many African American Word of Faith movement churches is that of atheism: that of its anthropomorphic view of God, visualization, "word" power, and "force of faith." The underlining "principle" of Gnosticism within the system of Faith theology its it spontaneous mythological ideology that run gamut against the essential of the Christian faith: that of the Bible, God, Jesus, the Fall of Man, Sin, and Salvation. Yet, also the foundation by which the Faith movement is built upon is that of atheistic evolutionism: that of the humanistic view of God, visualization of a Redeemer, and the demarcation of the doctrine of Faith (2 Pet. 2:1, "destructive" heresies)

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is president & CEO of Darryl Miller International Ministries of Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and the continents. Darryl is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation? As a apologist, pastor, evangelist, senior researcher, and lecturer he is is great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside of Atlanta, Georgia with their puppy "Little Baby."    


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