The Historical Origins of the Prosperity Gospel

The historical origins of the prosperity gospel originated with E.W. Kenyon (1892) which was steep in New Thought metaphysics (1 Tim. 6:20). E.W. Kenyon was familiar with many of the concepts of Christian Science so as to compete with many of the cults of his day: that of the principle of divine healing (1 Pet. 2:24). Many practitioners of Christian Science believe that to believe in the principle of science that they can healed themselves without the intervention of a Sovereign Creator. In so many words it is "mind over matter." The dualism of early Gnosticism is that, "Spirit is good; flesh is evil." The power of the mind serves as a conquering force to overcome any sickness or physical maladies. Thoughts are believed according to New Thought metaphysics to transform one's circumstances and reality based upon the principle of science 'backed' by God's Word. Many Faith televangelist will readily deny the fact that what they teach is not Christian Science nor New Age techniques, but based upon the Bible.
The Principle of Kenyon's New Thought Ideology
   The 'synthesis' of E.W. Kenyon New Thought philosophy teaches (1) reality in created in the mind. And (2) affirmed in speech of many "Faith" believers. Such 'Faith' message gives distinctive and ritual characteristics. In order to understand that of the nature and concept of New Thought 'metaphysics' is to give a crystal clear picture of its dangerous implication whereby it has in fact infiltrated the Church today. There are many within the leadership of the church today especially naive believers who are unaware of the fact that they are drinking from the 'poisonous' wells of New Thought metaphysics (2 Pet. 2:1).
   When it comes to the 'syntheses' of E.W. Kenyon's New thought philosophy is a result of syncretism. The nature of 'syncretism' is borrowing from various religious traditions and the philosophical beliefs of neo-Gnosticism (Col. 2:4, 6, 8). The problem with E.W. Kenyon's 'syntheses' of New thought ideology is that he sought to utilize the Bible to support the 'principle' of science or 'faith' backed by God's Word in the complete healing of sickness and disease (1 Pet. 2:24). The central tenets of Christian Science is that reality is an illusion, sickness is in 'incorrect' thinking, and the reality of sin does not exist.
   Even though Mary Baker Eddy who founded the cult of Christian Science was influenced by Phineas P. Quimby, a New England philosopher, hypnotist, who taught that physical realities could be manipulated and controlled through mental and spiritual means. New thought teachings emphasized that of  (1) a higher intelligence or divine force was everywhere present (i.e. 'monism'). (2) That human beings possessed a divine nature (Jn. 10:38). (3) That they could utilize their 'minds' to create physical reality. (4) That by thinking "correctly' could free practitioners of New thought could free themselves from sickness and poverty. Once again Quimby's ideas were popularized by his follower, Mary Baker Eddy, who incorporated New thought teaching into the cult of Christian Science.
The Infiltration of New Thought into the Modern-day Prosperity-Faith Movement
   Kenneth E. Hagin Sr., known as "Dad" Hagin copied, but also plagiarized many of Kenyon's materials (i.e., "The Wonderful Name of Jesus") by which many of his 'disciples' Kenneth Copeland, Fredrick K.C. Price also studied and mimic many of the teachings of 'Prophet' Hagins materials as well. Many of the concepts like "confession make possession," "the God-kind of faith" are popularized by E.W. Kenyon (1892).
   Many African American Word of Faith movement churches especially the most controversial of African American prosperity teacher, "Dr." Creflo Dollar of World Changers Church International in College Park, Georgia, many Holiness sects like that of The Church of God in Christ, Inc. (1897) and the spiritual "grandchild" of its predecessor of (COGIC) founded by The Late Charles Harrison Mason (1897) is that of The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International (1992) along with many of evangelical churches and "liberal" mainline Protestant denominations have been influenced by such Word of Faith doctrines has in fact drunk from the 'poisonous" wells of New thought metaphysics: that of human beings possessing such 'divine' nature, utilizing the mind to alter reality, and that of such 'positive' thoughts (e.g. "correct" thinking) or positive affirmation of faith 'backed' by God's Word can free them from sickness and poverty (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).
   The fact of the matter that the whole of the prosperity gospel is a 'metaphysical' wolf in sheep's clothing clothed in Christian garment (Matt. 7:15-20).  The proponents of the prosperity gospel utilize at will the language of the Bible and the historic Christian church so as to systematically distort that of its biblical terminologies (2 Pet. 3:16, 17).  The remedy for spiritual apostasy is that of God's divine judgment (1 Tim. 4:1, Heb. 6:4-6, 7-8).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is founder & Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Church in Atlanta, Georgia. He is also the Host of, "Answers -N- Focus" Ministries that is aired weekly in metro Atlanta. He has also authored several books, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did it Come From?" including a revised new edition of the book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did it Come From: Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation? which was newly released in 2014.  As a pastor, apologist, evangelist, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world.  He has conducted apologetics conferences in churches, Bible colleges and seminaries. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside of Atlanta, Georgia with there puppy "Little" Baby.

For speaking engagement, order of products, and events at:

Darryl Miller International Ministries
P.O. Box 10991
Atlanta, GA. 30310


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