The History Of The Prosperity Gospel
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The source by which the prosperity gospel originated is from a Gnostic source: that of falsely so-called knowledge (1 Tim. 6:20). There are theories of knowledge that is related to Gnosticism especially that of "gnosis" that is attained through such intuitive knowledge "directly" from God (Deut. 29:29). The knowledge of mystics or theological mysticism is through that of "direct" divine influx whereby God reveals secretive, but intuitive knowledge at the exclusion of the Church as a whole (2 Pet. 1:20).
For example many of the proponents (e.g. Oral Roberts) of the prosperity gospel claim to receive such prosperity message via Revelation Knowledge. The biblical defense of the prosperity gospel is that of 3 John 2: "Beloved, I pray above all things that thou mayest [prosper],,,be in health even as thou soul prospereth." Even though there are many passages of scripture that is in defense of the prosperity gospel, but this particular verse is the basis by which such teaching is built upon. Quite unfortunately such biblical passage (3 John 2) have been misinterpreted and "redefined" as to give the word "prosper" a whole "new" biblical meaning (2 Pet. 3:16, 17).
Within the context of many African American Word of faith teachers (e.g. "Dr." Creflo Dollar) ignore that of the plain meaning of scripture to seek some "spiritual" meaning: that of seeking to read "beyond" the mere words of the context of the Bible to seek some "spiritual" revelation. The fact of the matter that scripture interprets scripture; not through some "revelation" of the Spirit or some "spiritual" revelation (2 Pet. 1:19-21).
Many advocates of the prosperity gospel are of the allegorical school of thought: that of Valentinism and Marconism whose interpretation of the O.T. demonstrate such novelty as to their own interpretation. The dreadfulness of the monstrosity of allegorist in the professing church today is to turn the Bible on its own head so as to (1) question the context of scripture (2) argumentative with the Author of the Bible (3) the elaborate theological scheme of many "allegorist" allegorical interpretation of the historical context of scripture in and of itself (Jud. 8-10).
For over the years I have witness the fact that many Faith televangelist have put words in God's mouth to make the Bible say what they want it to say in compliance to the cultural context of prosperity-faith movement. The cross of Christ is symbolize as the "serpent" dying on the cross, Adam and Eve partaking of the forbidden fruit in losing their godhood status, the theistic God as some "impersonal" god force at the beck and call of the Faith believer (Rom. 4:17).
The Greek mythology of many prosperity teachers within the context of the African American Word of Faith religion whose redefinition of "prosper" or "prosperity" as to what is financial, monetary gain. What is amazing is that proponents of the prosperity gospel are pin in the corner by exposing their erroneous teaching on prosperity that they go into such theological shift so as to disclaim by saying, "Prosperity does not mean finances, but all areas of your life: that of being prosperous spiritually, in business, and in your health." Along with what is "financial" as it relates to the doctrine of prosperity is that also of walking in perfect "divine" health (3 John 2b). Within the system of the prosperity faith message is its denial of the Fall of Man according to Genesis 3:1-7 with Romans 5:12: that Adam's sin and disobedience brought about the ruins of the human race. Man is a sinner by nature. Mankind will experience both spiritual and physical death (Rom. 6:23). There is no such thing as "perfect" divine health simply because of what happened as a result of Adam's sin and disobedience. Even though man is spiritually "separated" from God, but man will experience death so as to return from the dust of the ground from which mankind is created. As we grow old that our eyesight will be dim, we will experience pain in our bodies, and return to the grave. That is the reality of the Fall of Man. So the whole of the context of 3 John 2 have been systematically perverted so as to "redefine" the true biblical meaning of the Bible in order to fit within the cultural context of the prosperity-faith message.
Unfortunately many African American prosperity teachers (e.g. "Dr. Creflo Dollar, Leroy Thompson) have accumulate wealth at the expense of their followers to live their lavish lifestyle (2 Pet. 2:3). Much of the theology of the prosperity gospel believe wealth is contentment; not godliness with great contentment.
Last, but not least that Faith televangelism associated living a prosperous lifestyle as having God's "favor" in terms of material possession. It gives those who watch their telecast the idea that because of "favorite" televangelist possess what is material is that they are "specially" favored by God or that they are God's anointed. Neither is this true simply because of the fact that God does not favor a select "few" in terms of material possession or materiality, nor the specially "anointed" who claim such an anointing as to receive such "spiritual" revelation are truly anointed by God. The "truly" anointed are those professing believers who have trusted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord in being able to discern truth from error (1 Jn. 2:24).
We live in a age of deception where the Church need spiritual discernment. The prosperity gospel is not a biblical gospel, but another gospel by which Paul in Galatians 1:8-9 summons false teachers with God's divine judgment. The proponents of the prosperity gospel focus on what is temporal blessing; not what is eternal in heaven. Many inexperienced and naive of believers have been led astray by the false teaching of the prosperity gospel whereby many will lose their rewards in heaven simply because they exchange that of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom. 1:16) for such worldly pleasures (Rom. 12:2).
I have just publish my book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From?" where I address that of the historical, biblical, and theological analysis of the prosperity-faith message. What is so striking about the prosperity gospel is that it is hedonistic (pleasure-seeking) in nature and that of its own utilitarianism: that of the avoidance of pain in pursuit of happiness. The prosperity gospel is a self-centered theology; not a selfless theology that is willing to bear the cross of Christ. Many proponents of the prosperity gospel and that of their followers desire what is on the Master's table; not willing to commit themselves in suffering for Jesus Christ and the gospel sake.
May God bless those who read this article will have a open mind and a teachable spirit in discerning the intent of the message of this article as well and to pass it on to others who perhaps are not certain and spiritual confuse in regards to the issue of the prosperity-faith message (e.g. Jude 3). May God open the eyes of their understanding so as to see the prosperity gospel for what it truly is and to turn away from such foolish notions in embracing the truth of the gospel preached by Paul in Romans 1:16.
My book entitled, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? is available on and Kindle Please share it with your family, friends, and neighbors. On behalf of my wife Vivian and myself may God richly bless you by His grace.
Servant in Christ,
Rev. Darryl Miller
Founder & Lead pastor, Contending for the Faith Ministries
Decatur, Georgia
President & Chairman, Darryl Miller International Ministries
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