It is so important that we are properly taught God's Word, especially when it comes to interpreting the Bible. The reason for such is that there are those who are leadership that are poor biblical scholars, poor Bible readers, and poor interpreters of scripture. For example when it comes to the basis of biblical interpretation is that instead of the speaker seeking to understand the plain meaning of the context of scripture is that many of the portions of the Bible have been interpreted spiritually: that of the resurrection of Christ have been interpreted as to the "appearance" of Christ being risen, thus deny Jesus Christ glorified physical body as being resurrected from the dead (2 Tim. 2:16, 17). The apostle Paul declares that if Christ be not risen our faith is in vain, yet we are still in our sins (1 Cor. 15:1-4).  In order for the Church to experience to anticipate the resurrected hope of believers appearing before God's presence is to have the confidence and assurance of Christ's bodily resurrection. Many Gnostics who deny Christ's bodily resurrection strike a death blow at the essential nature and content of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To deny Christ's Gospel and that of His resurrection is to preach a different gospel. There is "anathema" upon false teachers who clearly deny the Gospel in place of preaching a "different" gospel, or a different spirit (Gal. 1:8-9).

The basic of Bible interpretation is to compare scripture with scripture in light of its biblical context. That is the basis of Bible interpretation (1 Cor. 2:13).  Everything has to fit within its proper context. The problem with many who called themselves "evangelicals" are guilty of improperly interpreting the Bible by pulling various passages of scripture that has any connection, or relations to the immediate passage/s of scripture that is under study.  For example many Charismatics and Pentecostals with utilize Acts 2:4 as a biblical proof-text in presenting its case as to "speaking in tongues," but they utilize Acts 1:8 with Acts 2:1 along with Acts 19:1 to further their argument as to the necessity of believers having such "baptism" of the Holy Spirit with speaking with other tongues as to the second work of grace theology.  They have taken the rabbit out of the hat going from one biblical holes to the next without looking at the bigger picture. It is of a fact that people can make the Bible say what they want it to say: that of reading into the biblical context of the scripture without "reading out" the essential meaning of the text of scripture at hand. The apostle Peter call such individuals as, "ignorance and unstable" people who distort scripture as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction." (2 Pet. 3:16, 17). Whenever people are taught such biblical distortion of biblical truth that it in turn affect people's lives spiritually, psychologically, and emotionally.

As we look at Acts 2:4 for example by which many Charismatics and Pentecostals utilize as biblical proof-text in support of speaking in tongues is to ignore the plain meaning of the context of scripture. First, it must be establish that we cannot afford to read a verse in the middle of the chapter and expect to come to such logical conclusion as to what the passage (i.e. Acts 2:4) is actually teaching. Secondly, in order to understand the particular passage under study (i.e. Acts 2:4) is to question the biblical context of scripture as to the "6" interrogatives: that of the what, when, why, was, where, and who.  Even though there are many cultic "copycats" in the church today who will ask the same questions, but with different motives. Instead of seeking to understand the "plain" meaning of the context of the Bible they do so at the altar of what is "personal" biblical interpretation. In so many words application is sought first without sound biblical interpretation. The truth of the fact is that biblical interpretation is to be sought first; than application. Many Charismatics and Pentecostals are "guilty" of association in interpreting many of Bible passage/s so as to "spiritualize" the Bible. That is the worst kind of biblical interpretation.  Thirdly, as we seek to interpret the biblical context of scripture we must not only look at the immediate context, but surrounding context of the biblical passage of scripture within the particular chapter or Book of the Bible.  Fourthly, we must look at "key" words within such particular context of the Bible, or scripture: that of key words, repeated words, unfamiliar words.  Words have meanings, but for any particular religious system or cult "redefined" such biblical is to throw the message of the Bible in disarray.  It thus cause such "spiritual" confusion and chaos. It also breakdown communication in properly conveying the message of the Bible: that of lack of clarity as to key biblical issues pertaining to the whole of the Christian faith. Cults and religious sects are "masters" of systematically "redefining" the original "wording" of the Bible so as to fit within its own culture. The true interpreter of the Bible task is to define biblical words in light of the standard definition of the Bible.

For many Charismatics and Pentecostals that utilize Acts 2:4 as a biblical proof-text in support of speaking in tongues as part of the believer's salvation experience "ignore" or grossly interpret the cross of Jesus Christ as to atone for the sins of the world. Christ death on the cross provides salvation; not the experience of speaking in tongues. Anything that is added to the cross of Christ is to preach a "different" gospel, thus incur that of God's divine judgment (Gal. 1:8-9).  Even though utilizing Acts 1:8; 2:1; 19:1 to support speaking in tongues does not stack with the facts, but isolated passages of scripture that has any connection, or relations with Acts 2:4.  The premise of Charismatic theology on speaking in tongues hinges on the word "believe" according to Acts 19:1 where it says, "Have you received the Holy Ghost when you believe?" as to say that even though a person is saved they need the gift of the Holy Ghost with speaking in other tongues as part of the believer salvation experience. In so many words when it come to the Charismatic theology of speaking in tongues that they teach a "second" work of grace: once a person is saved they need the gift of tongues so as to their salvation being complete. The Bible does not affirm such false doctrine therefore it does not glorify the God of the Bible. The "infilling" of the Spirit, nor the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not indication of speaking with other tongues, but they are two distinguishing works of grace. The "infilling" of the Spirit is a "continual" act of being filled so as to control the life of the believer, but the "baptism" of the Spirit occurs at the moment a person is saved. It is through the "baptism" of the Spirit that the believer is place into Christ body. The Spirit is an habitation of the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-13).  There is only one baptism of the Spirit, but many infilling. (Eph. 4:3 with Eph. 5:18)

It is also important that the church started at the day of Pentecost thus it is impossible for the church today to experience what occurred during the early church (Acts 2:1). In so many words just because it occurred "then" does not in fact make it applicable for the church today (Eph. 2:20).  The church was build upon the prophets and apostle. Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone of the church. The church is already establish, thus, there is no need for such administration of prophetic gifts, nor sign gifts.  Tragically there are many "sincere" believers who have been woefully been led astray by false teaching: that of seeking "spiritual" gifts or sign gifts to authenticate their faith. In so many words experiential theology holds sway than the biblical content of the gospel. Whenever there is such distortion of biblical truth, lack of clarity of biblical doctrine and theology, and experiential theology is sheer indication of spiritual apostasy running rampart within the professing church today (1 Tim. 4:1).

It is my prayer that many will heed to the clarion call so as to evaluate and reassess their understanding of God's Word in light of scripture, thus to avoid the emptiness of deceptive philosophy and that of the A, B, C's of theological mysticism that have in fact rob the Church of their understanding and mature knowledge of Christ so as to reaffirm their faith in the all-sufficiency of Scripture (Col. 1:9, 10; 2:8, 18, 19).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller, is founder & Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Church of Decatur, Georgia. He is also president and Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries and travels extensively throughout the United States and the continents. As a pastor, evangelist, researcher, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world.  Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside of Atlanta, Georgia. 

Copyright 2014
All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written permission from Darryl Miller International Ministries, P. O. Box 10991, Atlanta, Georgia 30310


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