The language of the Bible must be defined according to the standard definition of the Bible (1 Cor. 2:13). Why is it so important that we define "key" biblical terms in light of the Bible? What are ways by which many of the cults and new religious movement "redefined" such biblical terminologies? What are the causalities that comes with people who have systematically "distort" the "wording" of the text of scripture? Throughout this article I will begin by addressing such questions in light of its historical, biblical, and theological analysis.
First, what are those "key" biblical terms by which many cult system utilize as they appear to be apart of true biblical Christianity and the historic Christian church (1 Jn. 2:18). There are many languages of the Bible that many of cults and new religious movements utilize so as to insist that they are Christians, but I will name a few that will shed light upon the matter. For example that of the "anointing." Even though many of cults and world religions use such biblical language of the Bible as to the "anointing," but they have perverted such term to mean that there are a chosen "few" who are "anointed" by God so as to dispense such spiritual knowledge, or "revelations" in understanding the Bible. The question [?]: Does the Bible teach such doctrine concerning that of the "anointing" as to God speaking to a select "few?" Before I begin to answer such question it is also important to make notation that pseudo-spiritualist have claim such an "anointing" whereby God gives them such spiritual "revelations" at the exclusion of others: that of the Church does not stack with the facts. The truth of scripture is not reveal in a corner, but that the truth of God's Word is made accessible to the whole church; not to a select "few." (2 Pet. 1:20) The problem with false spiritual leadership is that there understanding of having a relationship with God is through such "spiritual" knowledge: that of the avenue by which a person is saved; not through personal faith in Jesus Christ (Jn. 3:36). Gnostics, or pseudo-spiritualist talk about you having a relationship with God with possessing such "spiritual" knowledge (i.e. "gnosis"), thus, without such "knowledge" a person is not saved. Pseudo-spiritualist, or Gnostics will ask the church by posing the question [?]: "When was the last time God spoke to you?" or "Is there someone that God have spoke to today?" Unless God have given you a "specific" revelation of the Bible it is in all probability that the "unenlightened," or "uninitiated" possess "true" salvation, therefore they are lost. Salvation is through personal faith in Jesus Christ; not through sheer "spiritual" knowledge (i.e. "gnosis"). Gnostics in the professing church today have in fact divided the church from the church: that of in the area of knowledge and experience. The "have's are those who possess the "true" knowledge of God as to the "have nots": that of the traditional church who possess the letter of the law; not the spirit of the word. "The letter kills, but the spirit gives life" by which many Gnostics within the professing church will have the Church to believe.
The Bible does not teach that there are a select "few" that are "anointed" as to receive such "true" knowledge, or so-called spiritual "revelations." (Col. 2:18, 19). Every believer who are saved by Jesus Christ have an "unction" from the Holy One, or "anointed" by God to discern truth from error (1 Jn. 2:24-27). The Church possess the true knowledge of God in the Person of Jesus Christ; not the "fleshly" knowledge of mystics or mysticism in the professing church today (Col. 2:18). For any person who claim such an "anointing" teach such revelation of the spirit, or such "fresh" revelation deny that of the Bible: that of the true nature and character of Scripture (2 Tim. 3:15, 16).
It is so important that the Church define the language of the Bible in light of scripture, but to systematically distort such biblical terminology is to cause people faith to become spiritually shipwrecked.
The "ways" by which many of the cults and new religious movements "redefined" the language of the Bible is through such "allegorical" interpretation (2 Tim. 2:16-17). The very language and content of the message of the Bible have been misconstrued in such a way that it minimize the effectiveness of God's Word. The literature of the Bible, the language of the text, portions of scripture, and the whole of the Christian faith (e.g. "divinity" of Christ) is through mystics "demythologizing" or spiritualization of the context of scripture. The doctrinal "depravity" of mystics or theological mysticism that it has turned the table on the Church on head. The Church is no longer the church simply because it has in fact "baptized" the hermeneutical "ingenuity" of such allegorical school of thought: that of Valentinism and Marcion heresy.
There is such intellectual and moral causalities in regards to mystics or theological mysticism who distort the language of the Bible "allegorically" so as to "read into" the text of scripture without seeking the "plain" meaning of the context of the Bible. The horrendous affect by which it has been placed upon the Church is dreadful and awesome. Unless the Church avert such an crisis within Christianity that we will witness that of the greatest apostasy that has in fact plagued that of the professing Church today, especially within that of the African American church today that have come in the form of The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International that is based out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Rev. Darryl L. Miller, is the founder & Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Church of Decatur, Georgia. He is also the president and Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries and travels extensively throughout the United States and the continents. As a apologist, pastor, evangelist, senior researcher, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl live with his wife Vivian outside of Atlanta, Georgia.
Copyright 2014
All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written permission from Darryl Miller International Ministries, P. O. Box 10991, Atlanta, Georgia.
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