There are Black sects among us, especially within many of African American churches and its own community.  For example the controversial movement of The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International claim to restore that of primitive biblical Christianity: that of the gifts of the Spirit, speaking in tongues, and the "five-fold" ministry gifts, but, what makes this particular "sect" questionable is the foundation from which it is built (1 Tim. 6:20).  The movement in and of itself have "borrowed" heavily from different religious traditions and that of its philosophical ideology:  that of Baptist, Charismatic, Pentecostalism, and the Word-Faith movement.  Also, the philosophical ideology of "Full Gospel" Baptist is from an Gnostic source which is embedded with such "syncretism" of Hellenistic and Greek mythology.  In so many words when it comes to interpreting the biblical text of scripture is through such "allegory," or "spiritualizing" the Bible, but also that of its own "sanitizing" the reasoning advocacy of its own membership (Acts 20:29-30).  

The main establishment of The National Baptist Convention, USA is experiencing that of a "paradigm" shift as to its own membership churches by which they have been influenced by the "Full Gospel" concept:  that of looking at reality from the standpoint of the system in and of itself, thus to "fracture" the moral and theological wings of "traditional" African American Black Baptists (2 Tim. 2:17-18).

Within this particular article I will begin to address, "The Psychological Tactics of Black Sects" that is so important to address such an issue.  Both "traditional" and non-traditional churches have failed in addressing such a "crisis" within the African American church community.  Many members of "traditional" churches are prime candidates for cult recruitment and involvement.  The "illiteracy" and dysfunctionalism of biblical theology, historical theology, and biblical interpretation is the cause for the proliferation of cults and heresies within this twentieth-first century church today.  Postmodernism, fascism, and theological mysticism is what is eating away at the superstructure of evangelical churches and "liberal" Protestant denominations across America.  Also, whenever there is a "dysfunctional" puematology (doctrine of the Holy Spirit) than there will be a defective view of the Person of Jesus Christ.  Charismatics within Black Christianity place emphasis upon the work of the Holy Spirit, but devalue the Person of Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit witness that of Christ's Person and work; the Person of Jesus Christ witness that of the coming Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:26).  Also the emphasis is on what is "experiential" Christianity; not what is propositional theology.  Experience validates one's own faith; not what is the content of biblical truth (2 Tim. 4:3-4).

Before I address that of this particular, but most important subject is that I am aware of the fact many are discouraged from reading many of my articles due to the fact that it threatens the welfare and existence of many "bureaucratic," and "aristocratic" leadership within many sub-Christian sect groups.  The goal and objectives of cultic leadership is to keep people who are under their control  so as to sort out the facts of what is taking place while that of their own followers are going through a "series" of indoctrination and thought reform.  The goal of "thought reform," or "coercion" is to discard one's own thinking to fit within the irrationality of its "facilitators," or Abusers of such system indoctrination (Rom. 16:17, 18).  When people begin to think in terms of what is happening as to their post-cult experience and what they are "experiencing" as to the delirious effects of them being indoctrinated is to cause leakage within the "system" itself where it threatens its very existence (2 Cor. 4:1-4),

There are two crucial, but critical areas of though reform within many Black cults and sects:  that of the control of human communication, and communication with one's own self (2 Cor. 11:3).  When it comes to controlling human communication it refers to what a person read, see, and hear, but also when it comes to controlling one's communication with self is to deny such self-expression and individualism.

The Milieu Control of Human Communication

The way by which Abuser control human communication is what a person read, see, and hear.  Simply speaking to keep certain information from entering into one's "ear-gate," and "eye-gate."  Such idea is the most gruesome form of "control" when it comes to human communication. People who are involved in cults and sects are forbidden by its own cult leadership from "reading" certain literature, especially that of outside religious authority, and those who "critique" that of the cult's leadership, and authority.  

Controlling What Its Members Read 

Literature that is critical of cultic leadership and authority are forbidden by its own sect leadership. This is a way by which many of "cultic" leadership can have further control over their followers "mind" and hearts. The "window" of a person's mind is through the "eyes" of its own cult leadership in regards to such doctrinal "phobia" and interpreting reality as to its "closed" compartmentalization: that of thinking in terms of what is "black and white" as to its own irrational and illogical system of beliefs.

How Cults View Other Literature

The way many cults view literature that is critical of its own teachings is to dismiss it as being "satanic," "impure," and "carnal."  The system of many cult systems view their reality of "truth" as be "purely subjective; not what is rational and reasonable. The "scientific" knowledge of the world  and its own system is "impure" knowledge; not what is "spiritually" reveal from the realm above.  The beliefs of many cults and sects is that "pure" knowledge is not attained through "scientific" rational mind, but it is within a person's own [human] spirit.  The writings of cult literature is what is non-rational, subjective; not what is cognitive.  So also in regards to "how" cults view other literature that is critical of its own cult leadership's authority and teaching is once again forbidden by its own followers.  In so many words many of its own followers are discouraged from critically evaluating the theology of the cult itself.  Cult and sect leaders are skilled at preoccupying their followers so as to be "spiritually" induced; not to be rationally incline. It is to keep them in their grips so as to not think about what is taking place as well as being taken place.  That is the power of such thought reform techniques.

Control of Human Communication: What a Person Sees

Many cults and sects speak negatively of viewing the television: that of the news media, education, and philanthropy.  They view such media outlet as "evil," "satanic," and "worldly."  Instead many cults and sects teach that of their followers that to view such media, or television outlet is a way for the devil to enter into your thoughts.  In paraphrasing what one African American Faith televangelist says, "Do not let anything that will enter into your ear gate, nor that of your eye gate to enter into your spirit."  We must interpret "reality" through the "eyes" of the Spirit; not through your carnal, fleshly mind.  We walk by faith; not by sight.  The way by which many of cults and sects control that of people's communication: that of what a person sees.

Controlling of Human Communication: What a Person Hear

Also many of cults and sects encourage its own followers not to pay attention to any outside source of authority, or Christian "apologist" who speaks against God's "anointed."  As TBN Paul Crouch speaks harshly against "heresy" hunters by saying, "If you want to criticized Ken Copeland, Dad Hagin in teaching on faith I want you to get out of my life and I do not want to see your ugly face.  If God do not shoot you; than I will."  Whenever people are challenged as to defend their view of the Bible, to be in a dialogue, or to have a debate they shun having any debate, or dialogue.  

Control of Human Communication: Communication within Self

There are two areas by which many cults and sects control that of their followers communication with themselves: that of self-expression and individualism.  When it comes to a person's expressing themselves as to what they think, and feel is that they are discourage from having any feelings at all whatsoever.  Within many cult systems the goal is to create "spiritual" clones; not individuals who are free to express themselves.  For members within a "sect," or a "cult" to express themselves as to view their disagreement with its own leadership is to be label as being, "rebellious," "stubborn," and "self-willed" person.  Who to say that they a people cannot express themselves when in fact God has given us a free moral will?  For cult leaders to thwarts a person's self-expression is an spiritual affront to God, thus it cause such spiritual injury in the lives of those who are followers of their group.

When is comes to a person's individualism, or there individual self is to be who they are without anyone placing judgment upon that person. Individuals are created in the image and likeness of God.  Individuals are not "spiritual" clones: that of "thinking" the way that many cult leaders would have its own members to think, feel, and experience.  Just because one person likes to wear a cotton shirt does not make it a rule that the other person must wear it as well.  Each person have their own preference, style, and culture.  Also just because a person does not wear the same cotton short that someone else wears does not mean that something is wrong with that person.  Many strict Holiness and Pentecostal movements judges people based upon what they wear; not the inwardness of a person's heart.  Man looks on the outer appearance, but God looks on the heart.  Legalism, judgmentalism, moralism, and sacreligious is at the heart of  many of the "systems" of cults and religious sects (Matt. 23).

It is my prayer that many who are apart of many controversial and questionable groups within Christianity will see the affects of "how" thought reform techniques can tremendously impact their lives spiritually so as to not experience God's grace.  

Rev. Darryl L. Miller, is founder & Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Church of Atlanta, Georgia. He is also president and Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. As an apologist, senior researcher/editor, pastor, evangelist, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside of Atlanta, Georgia.

Copyright 2014 by Darryl Miller
All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written permission from Darryl Miller International Ministries, P. O. Box 10991, Atlanta, Georgia 30310


  1. Amen! That was Awesome and very enlighten. The truth must be told.


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