Paul in his farewell letter to the Ephesian elders warn of false spiritual leaders that will be among there own ranks (Acts 29:29-30).  One of the most subtle, but diabolical attacks of Satan is to disguise his ministers as ministers of righteousness (1 Cor. 11:13-17).  Apostate spiritual leadership are seeds by which Satan have sowed within the Church as to cause dissension and disruption in teaching doctrines that contrary to the clear teaching of scripture, and the doctrine according to godliness: that of myths and endless genealogies (1 Tim. 1:3-11).  

Comparing Themselves Among Themselves

Religious phonies in the church today boast of their own credentials: comparing themselves among themselves to their "elevated" knowledge of scripture (2 Pet. 1:20). In so many words they claim to have a "corner" on the truth as if they are the only one's whom God reveal some "spiritual" truth or "newer" revelations that is beyond the mere words of the Bible (Jude 8-10).  Such "revelations" of theological mysticism is essentially what is spiritually awe or felt; not what is theologically coherent as to the content of biblical truth.

Along with theological mysticism, or mystics in the professing church today is there best interest of the church, but whose ulterior motive is to destroy the faith and life of the Church today (2 Tim. 2:17-18).  It is not a matter of outright denial of the true faith, but subtle in its attempt to do its damage from within the corridors of biblical Christianity and the historic Christian church.  The truth about Gnosticism, or Gnostics in the professing church is to sap the spiritual life-blood of the Church today in terminating its vital signs and organs as to appear to have life, but cosmetic as to hide that of its skeleton remains (2 Tim. 2:16).

Doctrinal Framework of Religious Phonies

The doctrinal framework, or theological consensus of religious phonies within the professing church today is that of there explicit denial of the authority and inspiration of scripture, the essential of the Christian faith, and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Denial of Scripture

Religious phonies in the professing church today claim to wholeheartedly affirm that of the authority and inspiration of the Bible, but within there own practice espouse some "newer" revelations, or supposedly "revelation" knowledge of scripture.  Religious phonies will say, "I believe that the Bible is true, but I also believe that God speaks today."  False spiritual leaders within the church today will contend by having the Church to believe that to fully understand scripture is that it must be revealed in one's own [human] spirit; not based upon the "mere" reading of scripture. It has to be supernaturally reveal "directly" from God as if they are "special" messengers of God (2 Pet. 1:20).  Whenever the Church espouse such "newer" revelations in place of the all-sufficiency of scripture than it affects other areas of doctrine and theology.  Scripture in and of itself is the foundation of what we ought to believe as the Church, and how we are to live our lives. 

The Essential of the Christian Faith

The essential of the Christian faith is what is foundational to the church today.  The "building" block of the Christian faith is what is essential to our knowledge and understanding of God's Word as we seek to share the claims of Christ and the Gospel (Rom. 1:16).  The essential of the Christian faith is that of: the Bible, God, Jesus Christ, the Fall of Man, Sin, and Salvation.  Many of the cults, sects, and isms deny that of the essential of the Christian faith as to its alternative views and understanding of the Bible.  It is important to understand that cults utilize the biblical language of the Bible in appearing that they are Christians, but, nonetheless are non-Christian cults whose meaning of such biblical terminology are foreign to the standard definition of the Bible (2 Cor. 11:3).  Whenever the Church have a weak view of the Bible as to say, "there are parts of the Bible that as opposed to other [parts] which are non-canonical gives clear indication that such questionable and controversial movements within biblical Christianity affect their understanding of the essential of the Christian faith.  

Christ's Redemptive Work

According to John chapter 3 verse 16 Jesus Christ Himself says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."  The way by which God demonstrates His love towards sinners is His sacrificial death of His only Son Jesus Christ.  What is meant by Christ's sacrificial death that Jesus had to pay the penalty for man's sins.  Without Jesus Christ paying the penalty of man's sins through his death on the cross in shedding His own blood it would have been impossible to meet God's divine justice (Rom. 3:22-24).  Even though sinful man deserve God's divine judgment as to the sinfulness of man's sins that based upon Christ's dying for our sins Jesus Christ met the requirement of God's divine justice.  In order for sinners to have God's righteousness is through faith in Jesus Christ; not by human works (Eph. 2:8-9).  Salvation is a free gift of God; not through human achievement, or works.  Religious phonies within "Faith" televangelism deny that of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ through His blood sacrifice as to say, "It is not Christ's physical death on the cross that atone for man's sins. If that was the case the two thieves who was hanging there on the cross with Jesus could have atone for their own sins."  There are millions who view such Faith telecast are made unaware of the actual beliefs of their favorite faith televangelist: that of denying the redemptive work of Christ through His blood sacrifice in atoning for man's sins (2 Pet. 2:1).

The Sinful Lifestyle of Religious Phonies

It has been once said, "Tell me what a man believe, and I will tell you what he will do."  Doctrine and lifestyle goes hand in hand with each other. They are intrinsically intertwine with each other.  It is impossible to separate both doctrine and lifestyle (Matt. 7:15-17).  A tree is known by the fruit it bears. A corrupt tree cannot bear good fruit; neither can a good tree bear bad fruit.  The way which the Church are to judge religious phonies in the professing church today is what they teach as well as "how" they live.  Many times believers misjudge true spiritual leaders based upon living a sin free life: that of holiness and sanctimoniousness (1 Jn. 1:8).  Religious phonies are hypocrites, therefore they do not possess salvation (Heb. 6:4-6; 7-8).  In so many words the difference between true biblical shepherds as oppose to false spiritual leaders is the latter one of conviction, but the former unrestrained moral sinning (Jud. 19).

Religious phonies receive light; they reject divine life in Christ (Heb. 6:4-6).  In so many words spiritual apostates knows enough of scripture about salvation (Rom. 10:9-10), but they refuse to cross over the threshold of faith in receiving the Christ of the Bible.  It is dangerous for professing Christians to be exposed to the truth of God's Word pertaining to salvation, but at the same time reject the One who is the giver of eternal life (Jn. 3:36).  

The character of religious phonies are clearly portrayed according to Matthew 23: that of hypocrisy, judgmentalism, and sacrilegious.  Legalism is at the heart of religious phonies in the professing church today (Acts 15:1ff).  Jude portrayal of apostates are dreadful as to their character: that of being twice dead, plucked up the root, waging waves of the sea, foaming out their own foam, wandering stars and the blackness of darkness (Jud. 12-13).

In conclusion that religious phonies are known by what they teach, how they live, and how that Satan have cause them to be among God's people.  The Church today must be proactive and counterproductive as the intrusion of apostates in the professing church today (Acts 20:29-30).  They must be dealt with the accordingly so as to demonstrate church discipline.  They seek to do their damage from "within" and without the corridors of biblical Christianity and the historic Christian church (Acts 20:29-30 with 1 Jn. 2:18).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is founder and Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Church of Atlanta, Georgia. He is also president and chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents.  As a apologist, pastor, evangelist, senior researcher/editor, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world.  Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside of Atlanta, Georgia.

Copyright 2013 by Darryl Miller
All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written permission from Darryl Miller International Ministries, P. O. Box 10991, Atlanta, Georgia 30310.


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