The church have in fact become spiritually "indifferent" towards those things pertaining to the faith and life of the Church today.  In so many words to keep from rocking the boat that both the Church, that of its leadership, and its members have in fact remain to be silent.  It is business as usual.  There are also Christian telecast across America accuse "apologists" of being unloving as to sow disunity among the brethren, that there is any redemption for them, but on their way to hell.  As the attacks continue is that  Faith televangelist Benny Hinn have made threats towards discernment ministries as to say, "If I had a Holy Ghost machine gun, I'll blow your head off." As if the threats does not continue to attack Christian apologetics organization (CRI), the Late Paul Crouch of TBN stated: "If God do not shoot you; than I will."
It is apparent that no one like a wise guy.  Who are we to sit in judgment on others? Let God sort out all of this doctrinal do do says TBN founder, Paul Crouch.  Let us all come together in unity; let us love one another.  Such statement is a way to avoid answering any questions as to the doctrinal aberrations of those televangelists that seek to do their damage within the church so as to ruin the faith and moral lives of believers today (2 Tim. 2:17-18). To sacrifice biblical truth at the altar of unity is a real travesty. In order that true unity can occur is when we believe that of the essential of the Christian faith is the doctrinal fabric of the church today.  In so many words, "In essential unity; in nonessential charity.  

I am aware of the fact that there are those who claim to be Christian "apologist" create what is called, "sensational" journalism: that of controversy for the mere sake of controversy; not for the sake of truth. 

Throughout this article I will addressing such issues that is threatening the faith and life of the Church in how it has in fact impacted the lives of God's people today.  Even though it may appear that I am attacking the church, that of its leadership, and the Body of Christ worldwide, but it is to protect God's people for false teachers who portray themselves as representatives of God's spokespersons who in turn seek to infiltrate the corridors of biblical Christianity in substituting biblical truth for such "disease" substance theology: that of theological mysticism within the professing church today (1 Tim. 6:20).

Within Part 1 of this article that one of the enemies of the true faith, or that of biblical Christianity is that of theological mysticism, or Gnosticism within the church today (Col. 2:8, 18, 19).

Mysticism Defined

According to 1 Timothy 6:20 Paul the apostle warns the church against the threat of Gnosticism within the church today.  The "knowledge" of mysticism is "knowledge (science) falsely so-called."  The worldview of theological mysticism is what is transcendent, esoteric, and intuitive.  In so many words such a "knowledge" is what is revelatory in nature:  that which is reveal within a person's [human] spirit that goes beyond that which is reasonable and rational.  As one Faith televangelist says, "God by-pass the mind in order to get into your spirit."  Such Revelation Knowledge is within a person's [human] spirit; not through the Self-Ruled knowledge of the church today.  The "avenue" of salvation by which mystics claim to be saved is through "mere" knowledge; not through personal faith in Jesus Christ (Jn. 3:36).  

Knowledge of Mystics Is Transcendent

The transcendent, or transcendency of the theological mysticism, or "mystics" in the professing church today is what is reveal from God above.  In so many words such  "transcendence" of knowledge is that of divine "influx" or a "direct" pipeline from God Himself.  The typical statement of mystics, "God spoke to me," "God reveal to me," is what is current within the professing church today.  Such individuals clearly deny that of the "authority" and "inspiration" of the Bible.  They consider themselves as being in the God-class of men, the "anointed" or a chosen "few" as if they are the only ones that God speaks to.  The knowledge that they "possess" is exclusive; not inclusive.  Traditional biblical Christianity and the historic Christian church have the "letter" of the law; not the spirit.  Mystics will say, "the letter kills, but the spirit gives life."  In so many words God's Word is a life-giving spirit; not what is "mere" words on the pages of the Bible.  Instead of "mystics" seeking to understand the "plain" meaning of the Bible passage; that they always seeking to "unravel" the mysteries of God's Word.  It is always "deeper" meaning, riddles, and that of "spiritualizing" of the Bible context (2 Pet. 1:20).

Mystics in the church today take pride in their own "spiritual" revelations.  They are prideful, self-conceited individuals who accuses the historic Christian church as being "unenlightened," "spiritually immature," "carnal," and "unspiritual" minded.  When mystics are confronted as to their "new-found" faith, or revelatory knowledge: that of defending their "new found" faith, or beliefs they are left without making any concrete definitive statement, or propositional truth. They continue on their "spiritual" binge as to seek further "revelations," thus they are steep into such spiritual deception.  The "increment" of theological mysticism belief in what is "transcendent" as to their so-called revelatory knowledge: that of no point of return.  Therefore mystics within the professing church today fate is that of God's divine judgment (2 Pet. 2:1; Jude 8-10).

Keen But Clueless

The irrationality of theological mysticism, or mystics within the church today are, "keen, but clueless."  They have what is called, "tip-off heavenly" vision.  In so many words they are so spiritually minded where they are no earthly good.  The irrationality of theological mysticism is what is "unreasonable, irrational," whereby they are "beyond" reasoning.  Mystics in the professing church and those of its "victims" have committed such intellectual suicide.  I once shared with my wife during our Bible study is that to be in a conversation with a mystic is like talking to a log on a wall.  You begin to say, "Do you hear me?" But their response will be, "What did you say?"  Mystics are "spiritual" dummies who are numb towards biblical truth.  In so many words they are "deaf" towards the truth of God's Word. Why? Because Satan has blinded their minds and hearts in comprehending the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 4:3-4).

Also mystics and those who are influence by theological mysticism are "mindless and brainless" individuals. They have discard their God-given "reason," or "mind" so as to discern spiritual truth. 
The basis by which mystics judge spiritual truth is "within" their own [human]spirit; not what is "reasonable, and rational."  Even though Reason alone cannot possibly understand biblical truth, but reason that is "enlightened" by the Holy Spirit can comprehend spiritual truth.  If in fact discerning spiritual truth is "within" a person's spirit than "how" will they know when the devil is speaking to them?  The archenemy Satan is a master deceiver; that he seeks to led people astray from the truth of God's Word by paying attention to deceiving spirits and doctrines taught by demons (1 Tim. 4:1).

Intuitiveness of Theological Mysticism

The spiritual "awe" of mystics within the professing church today is to say, "Just open up your mouth and let God will speak through you."  In so many words according to theological mysticism is that it is not necessary to study God's Word, but "meditate" upon God's Word.  Theological mysticism belief is in what is "meditative;" not what is cognitive.  Mystics are individuals who when they come to a stop sign due to their "inner" witness of the spirit will interpret the "stop" sign as if it means "go."  So they end up running into a "spiritual" wall even those who espouse such "inward" witness of the spirit.  Theologian Martin Luther once says, "Feelings comes, feelings go." Just imagine the consequences of those who are chasing after the latest "word," or "prophecy" of these self-proclaimed spiritual "seers," "prophets," and "prophetess" in the professing church today (Deut. 13:1-3).

There are also mystics in the professing church today who attack traditional biblical Christianity and the historic Christian church as to their own doctrinal "precision": that of not allowing the Spirit to have its way.  Many of cults, sects, and isms despise the Church who are sound in doctrine and theology (2 Tim. 4:3-4).  For the church to throw away its doctrinal rudder is for the infiltration of mystics, or theological mysticism to turn the historic Christian church on its own head: that of "sanitizing" its reasoning advocacy into such "mystique" thinking, therefore to "dismantle" that of its theological "wings."

In order to avert such a crisis within Christianity is to see theological mysticism for what it truly is, to be proactive and counterproductive as to the intrusion of "mystics" within the church today so as to do their damage from "within," and outside the corridors of biblical Christianity and the historic Christian church (Acts 20:29-30). We must have a theology that is Christ-centered; not rooted in theological mysticism (See Col. 1:9-10; contrast Col. 2:8, 18, 19).

The reality of the battles is real!  We are in a war.  A war for the souls of many who have fallen prey to "mystics," or theological mysticism in the professing church today (2 Tim. 2:17, 18; 4:3-4; Gal. 3:1).

It is my prayer that many who read this article will understand the spirit by which it is written; not through their own personal preference, taste, preconceive thoughts, and prejudices.  May God use what is written in this article so as to "liberate" the souls of many who are held captive by the "influence" of false spiritual leadership and false doctrine (2 Pet. 2:1-2).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller, is the founder & Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Church in Atlanta, Georgia. He is also president and Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. As a pastor, evangelist, senior researcher/editor, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world.  Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside of Atlanta, Georgia.

Copyright 2013 by Darryl Miller
All rights reserved.  No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from Darryl Miller International Ministries, P. O. Box 10991, Atlanta, Georgia 30310


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