There are controversial movements among the African American church and its community of believers (Acts 29:29, 30). The main thrust of alternative and new religious movements is its antithesis in creating something "new" that is antithetical to the whole of the Christian faith and that of the historic Christian church: that of innovative "ways" of doing church. By alternative and new religious movements in any religious group, cult, or heretical Christian movement that of its deviations from the "norm" of the Church's teachings through such self-proclaimed messianic leadership who claim some discovery of some "new found" truth that is outside the pale of biblical orthodoxy or that which was taught by the early apostles of the New Testament (Eph. 2:20; 2 Pet. 2:19-21). Such alternative and new religious movements ranging from that of the Jehovah's Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism), self-appointed gurus, and the New Age movement. But there are Black cults and sects among many African American churches: that of Father Divine of the Peace Mission Movement, the Shrine of the Black Madonna, the Hebrew Israelites, Hillside International Truth Center, World Changers Church International and the most controversial of all is that of "The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International" based out of Atlanta, Georgia.

In order to address the issue of alternative and new religious movements is to study the history, theology, and practice of the particular movement under study. As the late Dr. Walter Martin, cult apologist and founder of the world renowned Christian Research Institute whose religious based is in Charlotte, North Carolina once stated, "The study of cults is a serious business. In order for the student of cultism to study the field of cults is to first be familiarized with Christian theology and its terminology before studying cults." It is also important to evaluate the psychological and sociological aspect of these movements which have in fact impacted the spiritual lives of people and its cultural influence and surroundings. But for the average believer and inquirer it is recommended that they study cults and new religious movements be studied in light of the Bible; not the Bible in light of cult theology (1 John 4:1 with Acts 17:11).

There are a few questions that needs to be raised in order to shed light upon the "illegitimacy" of many of the heretical Christian movements within the context of the African American church community: that of (1) History of the founder/founder's of these religious cults and sects (Acts 5:35-37). (2) Doctrinal consensus of these heretical sub-Christian movements (1 John 4:1, 2-3). (3) That of its practice (Mark 16:17-18). And, (4) the spiritual and psychological impact that is placed upon its members of these alternative and new religious movements (2 Cor. 4:1-4).


In order to study the history of any particular religious movement is that of its founder/s. It is important to know that most leaders of cults and religious sects came from main-line religious establishments in their rebellion against the religious teachings and spiritual authorities in the church (Acts 5:35-37). For cult leadership to be in rebellion against the authority of scripture goes along with being in rebellion against divine authority (Jude 8-10). Many of these pseudo teachers start out on biblical track, but at the end spin off in opposite directions of the clear teachings of the Bible: that of such curious teachings, revelatory knowledge, and doctrinal deviations of the Christian faith. Such a shift is gradual, but "full" blown departure from the truth faith, thus outright heresy (1 Tim. 4:1; 1 Cor. 1:10).

It is also important to take into consideration that many leaders of cults whose religious background and influence come from such occult and New Age source.  Such occult influence of cult leadership "infect" the ethical/moral teachings of the Church with their cultish and Hellenistic inclinations (2 Tim. 2:17, 18). It is evidently true with that of The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship spearheaded by its founder of such heretical Christian movement have change the character and nature of many "traditional" Black Baptist churches across American with that of its "admixture" of different religious faiths and philosophical belief (Col. 2:4, 6, 8, 18-19; 22-24; 1 Tim. 6:20).


The doctrinal deviations of these heretical sub-Christian groups from the perspective of the historic Christian faith have in fact systemically distort scripture (2 Pet. 3:16, 17). Instead of seeking to understand the plain meaning of the biblical context of the Bible is through such spiritual or the "allegorical" interpretation of the text of scripture (2 Tim. 2:17, 18). Such spiritual "elitism" within such cult leadership claim to have a "corner" on the truth as to "unfold" the deep mysteries of God as to be God's divine spokespersons. The Bible teaches that scripture is not revealed in a corner, but that it is accessible to the whole Church (2 Pet. 1:19-21); not a "select" few within the God-class of men. Along with the mystic's mystical interpretation of the Bible is their distortion of the biblical teachings of scripture (Jude 3, 4). The very fabric of the Christian faith have been systemically distorted so as to make it powerless, thus sheer unrecognizable because of its mystical interpretation and theological twist (2 Tim. 2:17, 18). The history of theological Gnosticism is to be in competition with the historic teachings of the Church (i.e. "divinity" of Christ) so as to appear palatable, but whose ulterior motive is to destroy the faith of the Church and in ruining the moral lives of believers.


The spiritual and psychological dynamics of cults and religious sects is that of its impact upon the well-being of its members (2 Cor. 4:1-4). The hallmark of a cult or sect is that of spiritual disorientation: that of its "confusing" soteriology. There is a lack of clarity when it comes to the essential of the Christian faith: that of the cult's understanding of the Bible, the historical context of scripture, and its interpretation. The most dreadful and monstrosity of the system of cults is its "redefinition" of biblical concepts and terminology. For example: The "anointing" have been misconstrued as being a "select" few whom God have given "specific" revelations as to "unfold" the mysteries of God as if they are God's chosen messengers at the exclusion of others within the classroom of God's universal church (Matt. 16:13). God does not show any favoritism as to prefer one over the other when it comes to disclosing what He has revealed in His Word (2 Tim. 3:15, 16).

In order to "reverse" the tape recorder (i.e. the "distortion" of biblical truth) that have been perpetuated by such cult leadership is to make plain the clear teachings of Bible, and biblical terminology in accordance to the standard definition of the Bible (2 Tim. 2:15). The "anointing" or unction of the Holy Spirit is given to every believer for the sole purpose of discerning truth from error (1 John 2:22-24). The "unction" of the Holy Spirit is a "spiritual" smoke detector that alerts the Church to apostate teachers who deny the full humanity/Deity of Jesus Christ as God revealed in human flesh (1 John 4:1, 2-3; John 1:14). The enemies of the true faith  is that of theological docetism and Arianism: that of separating Jesus/Christ and the belief that the divine Son of God was created by Jehovah God the "firstborn" of every created being (contrast Colossians 1:15-17).

Whenever there is a distortion of biblical truth abound such spiritual confusion and conflict within the lives of God's people, especially followers of cults and religious sects. That of cults, isms, and religious sectarianism is evident of such spiritual disorientation among many African churches and its community. Such "spiritual" confusion comes in the form of The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International as to its lack of clarity of biblical doctrine and theology.

Also the psychological tactics of cultism and religious sectarianism is its control of human communication with the outside world and communication with one own self: that of material from any outside source of religious and established authority that is critical of the cult's leadership authority and teachings. Also the hallmark of cults and sects is to hamper a people individualism and self-expression. In surveying and observing many "non-traditional" churches and ministries where there is any "seeing" windows which is indicative of the control of human communication. The "window" of a person's mind is through the "eyes" of their own cult leadership in regards to such doctrinal "phobia" and interpreting reality as to its "closed" compartmentalization: that of thinking in terms of what is "black and white" as to its own irrational and illogical system of beliefs. If and when followers decide to make a "check and balance" in questioning the authority and teachings of their own respected leaders of cults and religious sectarianism is to cause "leakage" within its own system, thus poses such a threat to the survival of its very existence.

In regards to the individualism and self-expression of adherents of alternative and new religious movements that the system of cults "suffocate" all aspects of a person's total being, especially with communication within one's own self. The idea of New Thought, Transcendentalism and the New Age movement deny the reality of a real fallen world so as to espouse the doctrine of monism: that, "All is God; God is All" in elevating its parishioners above the "scourge" of sickness and death which is "pandemic" of many African American "Word of Faith" movement churches (2 Pet. 2:23).

Just to reemphasize the importance of addressing the issue of alternative and new religious movements, especially heretical Christian movements like that of The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International is to critically examine such movements in light of history, theology, and practice from a biblical view of scripture (1 John 4:1 with Acts 17:11).

The social and psychological impact that have impacted the lives of cult membership must also be studied from a sociological and psychological perspective. It is important to ask questions such as (1) What is it about this particular group or religious organization that attract people, especially the young people from various culture, social, and economical sector of society. (2) How have such religious movement or group impact the lives of its members spiritually, psychologically, and emotionally? (3) What is the aftermath of people being involved in such cult groups where it causes them to not comply with the social norms of society altogether?

People who are involved in post-cult traumatic experience have to undergo both psychological  and medical evaluation. Also to help families deal with the issue of loved ones involved in questionable groups and religious organizations is to be shown the historical "ingenuity" of the movement itself, that of its doctrinal deviations and the impact of "how" it can affect the lives of people spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and physically.

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is founder & Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Church of Atlanta, Georgia. He is also president and Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. As an apologist, senior researcher/editor, pastor, evangelist, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside of Atlanta, Georgia.

2013 Copyright by Darryl Miller
All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written permission from Darryl Miller International Ministries, P. O. Box 10991, Atlanta, Georgia 30310


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