During the early 80's when the prosperity-faith movement came into existence, "God Wills the Prosperity of His People" have a mixture of biblical truth and pop-psychology. The above statement mentioned is that of its cultural bias, innuendos, and preconceived notions that is buried beneath the message of many prosperity teachers who for over three decades promote such false gospel (Gal. 1:8-9)

Even though historically the legacy of the prosperity gospel is hedonistic and utilitarian in nature: that of a pleasure seeking religion to avoid the pain and suffering in pursuit of happiness (2 Tim. 3:2 ESV). The main emphasis of the legacy of the prosperity gospel is what is monetary; not what is ethical. People today will go to great length regardless of the cost involved to accumulate financial wealth and prosperity. Whatever the cost may be that many are paying a dear price for whether it is through fraud and deception (2 Tim. 3:13). Hard work produce good wages, but for the legacy of the prosperity gospel it is a slot machine religion that expect to win the big lottery. There are less than a 1 percentage point of people winning the lottery today. The legacy of the prosperity gospel also espouse the philosophy of Marxism: that of the distribution of wealth to the masses of people, but it is only for the 2% of the most powerful rich in this country that will benefit the wealth of capitalism. The proponents of the prosperity gospel are the only ones who will benefit from preaching the message of the wealth gospel; not the middle class, especially the poor who are wishful in their thinking.

The nature and character of the legacy of the prosperity gospel is (1) The terms that it utilize is interchangeable but distinct from the mainstream of biblical Christianity and the historic Christian church (Acts 29:29-30). (2) The language of the system of Faith theology is interpreted within the culture and contours of the prosperity-faith message. (3) The colloquial language of the prosperity-faith movement that is within the "world" of the Word-Faith movement.

The Utilization of the Language of the Prosperity Gospel

It is important to make mentioned that the language utilized by the legacy of the prosperity gospel is interchangeable with the historic Christian church language, but distinct when it comes to defining such biblical language (2 Tim. 2:15).  For example: The doctrine of Faith utilized by the historic Christian church have been interpreted according to the teaching of scripture as simply trusting God, but the prosperity gospel concerning the doctrine of faith is, "Faith is a force" by which the proponents of the prosperity-faith movement have systematically distort the clear meaning of scripture according to Hebrews 11:1, 2. Instead of seeking to understand the plain meaning of the context of scripture that the proponents of the prosperity gospel seek such a "deeper" meaning so as to unplummet the mysteries beyond the text of scripture (Col. 2:18, 19). The apostle Paul in his letter to the Colossian church warns against theological mysticism that will infiltrate the corridors of the church from within its own ranks (v. 18ff).

The real enemies of the true faith within this new millennium is that of neo-Gnosticism: that of dividing the Church when it comes to the degree of knowledge: that of the "spiritual" as opposed to the earthly, carnal, self-rule sense knowledge of normal Christians. The "knowledge" of the spiritualist is transcendent from the heavenly realm; the knowledge of the Christian is what is fleshly. The experiential knowledge of theological mysticism is experience oriented without any solid biblical evidence to "back up" what it says concerning such far fetched theology. The language of the mystics is theoretical; the language of the Church is evidential presuppositonal (1 Pet. 3:15). The anointing, or the unction of the Holy Spirit protects the Church from error in discerning spiritual truth (1 John 2:24) because the Holy Spirit is divine Truth (John 14:26).

The Language of the Bible: The Cultural Context of the Prosperity Gospel

The main thrust and emphasis of the legacy of the prosperity gospel is to fit the language of the Bible within the cultural context of the prosperity-faith message (2 Pet. 3:16, 17). For example: Faith as a force. Faith according to the legacy of the prosperity gospel is, "electrical, tangible force," as opposed to trusting God (Prov. 3:5-6). It is the "force" of ones own faith carried out into the earth spirited realm released by words to expect what is being decreed. God as a "Faith" Being along with the Faith Christian as being "little gods" have to also utilize the "force" of ones own faith to speak their world into existence (Mk. 11:22-24; Heb. 11:2). Even Jesus according to Faith theology was created by God's spoken word of faith thus in fact deny the eternal preexistence of Christ (Ge. 1:26; Jn. 1:1; Col. 1:15-17). The system of Faith theology have in fact systematically distort the very fabric of the Christian faith, the biblical language, historic characters of the Bible, and many of the biblical text of scripture so as to pour into it "new" meanings (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).

The Identification of the Language of the Prosperity Gospel

In order to penetrate the "world" of the prosperity-faith movement, or what is known as the Word-Faith movement is to understand mindset of followers of this heretical movement (1 Cor. 1:10). The language, or the "buzzwords" of the legacy of the prosperity gospel is that of the following: that of Word of faith, word, positive confession, name-it-claim-it, blab-it-grab-it, Revelation knowledge, faith, covenant, anointing, God-man theory are languages of the prosperity gospel that is cultic in nature and that it must be examined in light of scripture (1 John 4:1 with Acts 17:11).

The most revealing is that the prosperity-faith movement, or what is known as to the Word-Faith movement especially within the context of the African American "Word of Faith" movement churches are metaphysical in nature: that of originating from Christian Science, Religious Science, New Thought metaphysics, Unity School of Christianity, and Swedenborgianism. In so many words it is a "mind over" matter cultic movement that its adherents can overcome any obstacles in life in transforming ones mindset through positive confession, thus deny the reality of the Fall of Man (Rom. 5:12). Despite of ones positive confession is that it does not guarantee that a person will not have a head cold. Why? Because it is apart of everyday human experiences in life. The antidote: Seek medical treatment and not in denying the symptoms of reality despite of what is being perpetuated by the ideal of the positive confession movement or its proponents.

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is president and chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries of Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. As an apologist, senior researcher/editor, pastor, evangelist, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives in Atlanta, Georgia.


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