
Showing posts from September, 2018

Hearing God's Voice: What Does It Mean?

There are books on the Christian marketplace and even on the social media that promote hearing God's voice. For example, there is a popular book entitled, "Hearing God Voice" by Henry Blackaby a Southern Baptist promotes the idea of having a personal and intimate relationship with God by hearing clearly what God is saying to a person. Blackaby goes on to say that there are "ways" by which people can hear God speaks to them, but, He also says that to hear the voice of God does contravene that of God's Word: that of the "revelation" of the will of God. As I begin to examine Blackaby statement is contrary to the clear teaching of scripture as well as a contradiction. It is impossible to promote hearing God's voice and at the same time claiming that such "revelation" does not contravene that of the Bible.  The apostle Paul warns that of believers to not "be tossed and where and there by every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men ...

The Joy of Knowing God's Word: Knowing the Truth of Scripture (Part 2)

There is a need to explain hearing God's voice! There are books that are in the Christian marketplace that promote hearing God's voice within a person's human spirit as if that is the basis of many evangelicals source of authority by which they judge spiritual "truth." It is "unfortunate" that many within the professing church today explicitly deny the authority and inspiration of the Bible. (2 Tim. 3:15, 16)  When it comes to the authority of scripture ("what we believe") and inspiration of the Bible ("scripture inspired by God) is the capstone by which it must be the foundation of the Church's teaching. Whenever the Church "substitute" God's Word in favor of what is mystical theology are in fact cross over the threshold of theological mysticism. The apostle Paul fought against mysticism in the church during his day. (Col. 2:18, 19) Therefore, for the truly elect are going to be the recipients of hearing the truth of G...

What Is the Legacy of the Prosperity Gospel?

The central theme of the prosperity gospel according to 3 John 2 is that "God Wants to Prosper You in All Areas of Your Life: Financial, Business, and Your Health." Does the Bible teach that of believers prospering in all areas of life? There are many prosperity theologians who will contend that is it biblically warranted according to 3 John 2, but those who are critics of this "brazen" gospel all contend that it is important to look at 3 John 2 within its proper context. (1 Cor. 2:13)  There is a battle of a turf war between that of many prosperity teachers and critics of the prosperity gospel who seek the attention of their audience. Apparently, many Faith televangelists are winning the war due to their opulent lifestyle in distorting the biblical truth as oppose to critics and expositors who give a sound exegetical principle of God's Word (2 Tim. 2:15).  It also appears that proponents of the prosperity gospel are winning by cheating on the Bible's theo...

The Joy of Knowing God's Word: Recognizing the Truth of Scripture (Part 1)

We live in a church culture that is no longer satisfied with knowing the truth of God's Word. Instead of hearing the truth of God's Word that many of our churches today, especially among evangelicals have in fact yearn to hear God's still small voice within their "human" spirit by which they explicitly deny that of the authority and inspiration of scripture. When the Church talks about that of the authority of scripture teach what we ought to believe and how we ought to live our lives. Also, when it comes to the inspiration of the Bible is that scripture is "inspired" by God by which God the Holy Spirit is the Author of scripture (2 Tim. 3:16). The Bible is the inspired, authoritative Word of God by which the church can confidently trust in what God's Word teaches as it pertains to life and godliness.  Everything that the Church needs to know is what is already revealed in scripture by which anything that is outside the boundaries of God's Word...

The Work of the Holy Spirit: What Really Happened on the Day of Pentecost? (Part 1)

During this afternoon message, I will be going to Acts chapter 2 verse 5 where it says, "Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven." As we begin to study that of this particular passage in the Bible we must also keep in mind that in order to understand a given passage of scripture is to look at previous and proceeding verses in order for us to understand Acts chapter 2 verse 5. In so many words as students of the Bible, we must look at the immediate passage of scripture as to its wider context. Now that we are going into the heart of this most important passage of scripture according to Acts chapter 2 verse 5 is that first of all it is also important that we read properly God's Word as well as properly interpreting that of this particular passage.    First, let's begin to read slowly Acts chapter 2 verse 5 where it says, "Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven." In the ...

The Work of the Holy Spirit: What Is "Divided" Tongues?

As we begin to study that of Acts chapter 2:3 where it says, "And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them." This is one of many passages that has been greatly misunderstood by the church today. In order to understand that of the immediate context of scripture is to read that of its wider context. In so many words reading as well as study previous, but, also preceding passages of the Bible (2 Tim. 2:15).  Once again as we study Acts chapter 2 verse 3 is to also seek to understand that of the plain meaning of this verse under study. Let's begin by reading again Acts 2:3 where it says, "And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them." To paraphrase that of this particular passage of scripture according to Acts 2:3 is that the "divided" tongues appeared to be like as of fire. In so many words that the Holy Spirit distributed these "divided" tongues to many ...

The Work of the Holy Spirit: The Disciples Filled with the Holy Spirit


"A Urgent Message to All of Our Readers"

It has been a while since I have written a post on Blogger. Even though it has been several months since I have written an article on the Blog post I needed at that time to spend time with my family during the summer months. I appreciate many of you who have supported me over the years, but, I sense a need to continue writing on a Blog post. Also for the last several months, I have been preaching a series of the message, "The Work of the Holy Spirit: What Really Happened on the Day of Pentecost?"    There are many professing Christians especially professing believers who have not yet grasp the historical narrative and meaning of what happened on the day of Pentecost. Many Charismatic evangelicals have sought to make the historical narrative of Pentecost as to make it apart of their own culture without knowing the true history of Pentecost (Acts 2:1a).  It is impossible to make what happened on the day of Pentecost the experience of the Church today. It was a past...