
Showing posts from 2020

How to Survive the Cornovirus?

The coronavirus just recently appeared around the world. First, it hit citizens of China by which it rapidly reached into other parts of the country, even the United States of America. The coronavirus also hit Washington State, where there were elderly people who died in small but large numbers. It has been said that only the elderly were to be infected with the coronavirus, but the stats show otherwise. There are just much as younger people who are tested positive for the coronavirus much more than to die from this dreadful disease. It is unfortunate that babies from 3-6 months are dying as well from the coronavirus as well. The government of the United States knew beforehand the coming of this coronavirus but brush it off as a "hoax" by which it cost the lives of millions of people across this country. With all the tension that is going on between the Chinese government and that of the Trump Administration concerning the tariff have in fact put people in the cross-fire b...



Who Are "Those" of Hebrews 6:4?

There is much debate concerning Hebrews 6 verse 4. Such debate have not yet been resolve because both sides of the theological spectrum believe (1) The author of Hebrews 6:4 refers to the saved that can fall from grace by which it is impossible for them to be renewed unto repentance. And (2) It is referring to professing believers who have heard the gospel by which they reject the Christ of scripture (vv. 4-6; 7-8). The fact of the matter and the reality of the debate have not yet been resolved. So in order to resolve such misunderstanding concerning Hebrews 6:4-6 is to look to God's Word to get a clear understanding and knowledge of this particular biblical passage of scripture (1 Cor. 2:13). The best interpretation of the Bible is the Bible itself. In so many words scripture interpret scripture. In order to understand a particular passage/s of scripture is to look to other passages of the Bible to shed light upon that particular passage of scripture in light of its context. It ...

Q & A About the Prosperity Gospel

Here is a preview of some of the questions that are frequently asked about the prosperity gospel. These are questions that are exact and pointed. It is recommended that people begin to ask the right questions concerning a particular subject or is issue that is under study. Within the particular article I will begin to answer many of the questions that is most frequently ask concerning the prosperity gospel. There are those who feel that they know enough about the prosperity gospel or those who have such basic knowledge concerning its subject but really in reality many people do not have the full scope as it relates to the history of the prosperity gospel. Historically the prosperity gospel is Gnostic in its origins and orientation as a movement (1 Tim. 6:20; Col. 2:18). Gnostics in the early first and second century church sought to "spiritualize" many of the teachings of the historic Christian church as it relates to the biblical text of scripture and the historical ...

What is the Prophetic Word?

For believers to understand the prophetic word is that it is essential to understand the background of 2 Peter 1:19-21.  As we begin to look at previous verses in 2 Peter 1:16-18, it is also essential to understand what took place when the apostle Peter experience along with the other apostles during Christ's transfiguration. Unfortunately, many professing believers have taken the biblical concept of the "prophetic word" by putting a spin by which they have totally redefined such biblical terminology. The whole idea of the prophetic word has been made to believe that God gives such personal "revelations" to those who claim to be God's mouthpiece by which it is inaccessible to the Church as a whole. Is what these self-proclaimed modern-day prophets within the contemporary church today "unique" in the sense that it is revelatory in nature by which it is outside the boundaries of God's Word? What is the "specific" knowledge and experie...

What's Wrong with Positive Thinking?

Just recently I came across a article on the Internet titled, "Is There Any Power In Positive Thinking?" by which I find it quite interesting. It wasn't that I was curious nor did I have any interest in the topic in and of itself, but the overwhelming infiltration of how that it has influence the church, the media, and people throughout the world. The acceleration of false doctrine is at an alarming speed by which the worldly idea of the power of positive thinking has in fact gone unchallenged and unabated. The reason for such onslaught of false teaching in the professing church today is that of biblical ignorance and lack of spiritual discernment. There is also both spiritual "indifference" and callousness when it comes to sound biblical doctrine (2 Tim. 4:2-4).  Those who are committed to biblical fidelity are the very ones who suffer at the hands of false spiritual leaders who are unfaithful in preaching sound doctrine. It appears that they are reaping the ...