
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Prophetic Word Made Sure (Part 1)

It is so important that we understand the truth of God's Word. It is quite unfortunate that many within the evangelical church today fail to come to grips with the basic understanding of what God's Word teach.  Paul in this letter to Timothy says, "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2 Tim. 2:15). In order for believers to be student of the Bible is to correctly handles God's Word of truth by which the basis of biblical interpretation is to compare scripture with scripture (1 Cor. 2:13, 14). The way by which believers can handle the truth of God's Word is to seek the plain meaning of the context of scripture as to its immediate context, that of its preceding context, that of its wording of scripture. It takes hard work in studying God's Word (2 Tim. 2:15). It requires that of our total being so as to roll up our sleeves to do the daunting and diff...

Hearing God's Voice: What Does It Mean?

Why is it so important that we address this particular subject matter, "Hearing God's Voice: What Does It Mean?" Well apparently there are books that are in the Christian marketplace who claim to be an authority on "How" to Hear God's Voice, "Seven Steps to Hearing God's Voice," "Listening Prayer," especially the most popular of evangelical authors, "Conversation with God" that sold in the millions. Whenever I critique the materials of these books that have captivated many of its readers is that I have discovered the main theme of its message is that it is possible for them to actually hear God speak to them in an audible voice.  When it comes to the individual praying to God is that there is a two way conversation between the person and God Himself.  I find this quite surprising that the communication between God and the individual believer praying cannot expect God to speak back to them. In my experience praying to God a...

The "Faith" of the Prosperity Gospel?

How is it possible to mix "faith" with prosperity? It is impossible for a "system" to create a "system" that are very much "inconsistent" with that of its own data. The fact of the matter any system of data has to be consistent with the data that are congruent with that of the system itself. Let's take for an example in order for a computer to function properly is that the proper application or software have to be "consistent" with the computer's type. We cannot install Window 98 into a 2017 Microsoft Chrome computer because it requires Windows 10 for it to function properly.  When it comes to understanding the truth of God's Word everything has to fit properly in order to comprehend the whole of a given passage or biblical theme.  The best interpretation of the Bible is the Bible itself (1 Cor. 2:13).  Quite unfortunately those who claim to be God's messengers are guilty of making the Bible say what they want it to sa...