The Historical Origins of the Prosperity Gospel

The historical origins of the prosperity gospel originated with E.W. Kenyon (1892) which was steep in New Thought metaphysics (1 Tim. 6:20). E.W. Kenyon was familiar with many of the concepts of Christian Science so as to compete with many of the cults of his day: that of the principle of divine healing (1 Pet. 2:24). Many practitioners of Christian Science believe that to believe in the principle of science that they can healed themselves without the intervention of a Sovereign Creator. In so many words it is "mind over matter." The dualism of early Gnosticism is that, "Spirit is good; flesh is evil." The power of the mind serves as a conquering force to overcome any sickness or physical maladies. Thoughts are believed according to New Thought metaphysics to transform one's circumstances and reality based upon the principle of science 'backed' by God's Word. Many Faith televangelist will readily deny the fact that what they teach is not Christ...