The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From?: Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?

Just several months ago I wrote an article on The Legacy of the Prosperity Gospel by which it is associated with New Thought metaphysics: that of changing one's thoughts in order to bring about positive outcome. Even though many prosperity teachers utilize as their proof-text 3 John 2 to accumulate wealth at the expense of their followers, but beneath the origins of the prosperity theology is that of hedonism and utilitarianism: that of a pleasure seeking religion at the avoidance of pain and suffering. As one African American Word of Faith televangelist Leroy Thompson of Ever Increasing Word Ministries of Darrow, Louisiana says explicitly, "Money Cometh to Me Now." I will never ever be broke again in my life. Such utilitarians will convince themselves as well as others that to avoid the reality of pain and suffering is to psychologically rehearse within their own mind that they will be prosperous by living such an robust lifestyle. In reality the only ones who wil...